I'm thinking that Moses, and Elijah were that I'm out..
What's your thoughts???
many people wonder about this vision and why the disciples witnessed it and what does the appearance of moses & elijah mean?
i have my own opinion which i will post later but i was wondering what others thought about it?
I'm thinking that Moses, and Elijah were that I'm out..
What's your thoughts???
as all faithful witnesses to jehovah the most high god well knowjohn 3:13 ).
does anyone have any idea where enoch went.....since he never died?.
the author of the letter to the hebrews says "by faith enoch was transferred, that he should not see death, and was not found, because god had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased god well.
Hello Heathen:
The great crowd don't get "raptured" but are passed over from death to life like the jewish passover in egypt , instead of smearing lambs blood on their doorway they wash their robes symbolically in the the blood of the lamb as in Revelation 7 . I hesitate to use the word "rapture" myself because people believe they will be ascending to heaven when in fact the bible is saying that the kingdom of the heavens descends on earth . According to the WTBTS it is an enormous city but the WTBTS doesn't even believe it's real for some reason as I've read in their Revelation grand climax book they clearly state it's only figurative . They like to compare their publishing empire to it or some crap that makes no sense and I'm sure they've probly tried to cover over their misinterpretation already. It's been posted on the board they have tried to edit alot of things in it .
Sorry, if I misunderstood..I really liked your idea about the kingdom of heavens descending on the earth. I assume you are refering to Rev. 21 when Jerusalem comes down like a bride, adorned for her husband.
I like the way the WT tries to figure out Revelation, as the other religions don't bother, but too bad their interpretation is almost all wrong. I don't think they can interpret it, as they don't have holy spirit at this time.
I'm beginning to think possibly the city may be a literal center on the earth.. What do you think??
as all faithful witnesses to jehovah the most high god well knowjohn 3:13 ).
does anyone have any idea where enoch went.....since he never died?.
the author of the letter to the hebrews says "by faith enoch was transferred, that he should not see death, and was not found, because god had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased god well.
Gumby: Heck no, I'm not just looking forward to this horrible world. I believe in everlasting life.
Tetra: You said:
so, if this is what you mean, gumby, by your original question, then i would answer yes. heaven is not a place, it's a state of mind. God is not a person/entity, but a state of Being, outside of time and ego, imo.
Me too, heaven is not a place, but a state of mind with God.. Except for the new heavens, I think are the new government or the kingdom of God.
Heathen: No, I'm not thinking the ICor. 15 is the rapture. I used to think that though.. The witnesses version is similiar to the rapture, as they believe that the 144,000 will be taken to heaven as spirits.
as all faithful witnesses to jehovah the most high god well knowjohn 3:13 ).
does anyone have any idea where enoch went.....since he never died?.
the author of the letter to the hebrews says "by faith enoch was transferred, that he should not see death, and was not found, because god had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased god well.
You said
In other words, when scripture speaks of the dead, it is speaking of those who are dead in trespass and sins:
Yes, Yes and Yes!!!! So when the WT uses the scripture in Rom. 6:7
For he who has died has been acquitted from his sin..
It's referring to dying, as to the old sinfulful man and being renewed as the new man of spirit..
Like the richman and Lazarus story.. each man died as to a former way of life. (not literal death).
Also, I'm thinking of I Cor. 15:50 -52, when it says:
.........flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom, neither does corruption inherit incorruption. ......We shall not all sleep but will be changed in a twinkling of the eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised up incorruptibe, and we shall be changed......and put on immortality
Al..I'm getting this to mean.. that in the Great Trib..we will experience a change from a spiritual sleep to an awakening!
A realization that we have passed from death to life. In a twinkling of an eye.. meaning so unnoticeable, even we ourselves can hardly detect when exactly it happened.
What do you think?
as all faithful witnesses to jehovah the most high god well knowjohn 3:13 ).
does anyone have any idea where enoch went.....since he never died?.
the author of the letter to the hebrews says "by faith enoch was transferred, that he should not see death, and was not found, because god had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased god well.
I really liked your comments and I, by myself, came to the same conclusion.
You said:
Either way, you go to the same place...dust you are, and to dust you will return....all spirits go back to God not heaven according scripture.The idea of dying and going to heaven is not a bible teaching, but receiving heaven while still alive is.
as all faithful witnesses to jehovah the most high god well knowjohn 3:13 ).
does anyone have any idea where enoch went.....since he never died?.
the author of the letter to the hebrews says "by faith enoch was transferred, that he should not see death, and was not found, because god had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased god well.
I was just saying the SAME thing that Acadian said here.
John 3:13, "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."In other words, you don't go up to heaven, heaven comes to you! Read the above verse again, and notice what Jesus said about heaven. While he was alive in the flesh, he stated that he "isin heaven!"
as all faithful witnesses to jehovah the most high god well knowjohn 3:13 ).
does anyone have any idea where enoch went.....since he never died?.
the author of the letter to the hebrews says "by faith enoch was transferred, that he should not see death, and was not found, because god had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased god well.
Hi Gumby:
You said: So, unless one dies, he can't be with god? Sounds like the bible god is a bad planner to me.
No, not at all. What I meant was..that while the person is alive they can reach that place with God..when the holy spirit and Jesus' spirit make their home with him. Like at Pentecost CE..
I also think the new heavens and the new earth is a new government and a new system.. right here on earth. It seems when the bible talks of things being 'heavenly', it is refering to being of God.. not neccessarily in the sky.
as all faithful witnesses to jehovah the most high god well knowjohn 3:13 ).
does anyone have any idea where enoch went.....since he never died?.
the author of the letter to the hebrews says "by faith enoch was transferred, that he should not see death, and was not found, because god had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased god well.
Dear Gumby:
I have a different understanding of this than most.. I think that when Jesus referred to 'ascending to the heavens' ,. he was talking about a higher level of spirituality.. Take this scripture for example:
John 14:23 >>.....If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make our abode with him.
The whole chapter of John 14 talks of Jesus sending the holy spirit down after he dies, which happened at Pentecost 33ce. So this would something new, that hadn't happened yet.. So, evidently the spirit of God would have a more profound effect on the person than the spirit had on people before.
John the Baptist had died before Pentecost 33ce and therefore, Jesus could say that John had not ascended to the heavens.
Most think that heaven is the realm in the spirit world, where the angels and God are.. but it is actually IMO, the place with God. Which could be as a spirit or a human.
i know the witnesses changed their 'generation' definition in 1995 to get away from being tied down to the literal generation of people who saw 1914.. but applying their definition of the word to matthew 24:34 makes the verse meaningless, regardless of whether the original text grammatically allows for their interpretation.
there is no point in saying "this generation will by no means pass away" if 'generation' merely refers to an attitude of people which may remain the same for any ongoing period of time.. there is simply no point in saying it unless it was intended to refer specifically to a literal generation of people who were alive at the time.
of course, there is no validity to their 1914 doctrine anyway, but nevertheless, they are inextricably stuck with it..
Pahpa: You are right, my reasoning would be incorrect, because in the minor the 1st century, the generation would have to be at least 40 years long..from 30CE to 70CE.
now this could be fun.
JW's teach that the 24 elders are the anointed..right? So, if they were to teach the anointed, first of all none of the governing body are anointed.. (IMO, except Ray Franz probably was) so, they wouldn't be looking the way of the GB.. And if I were one of the 24 elders...I would tell the anointed that they don't need to be part of an organization at all!!!!!!