Last week I expressed merry christmas to my supervisor who once knew me as one of JW's . I used to express this greeting to him as well as to others merly as :" happy holidays " . After expressing :" merry christmas" to him he chuckled and asked me :" Isn't it wonderful that you can now say :" Merry Christmas instead of happy holidays ?". Then i thought , how hypicratical we were - not on purpose -- but how we were fooled by the watchtower clan into thinking that was OK LOL My family and I just celebrated our xmas eve - It was wonderful - today we head out to Bradford Otario to my brother's and his family to do it again at thier place . Hope all had a good one despite some who are torn away from their family - Love to all of you ! Anyways : HAPPY HOLIDAYS (oops ) I mean MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by scarecrow
by scarecrow inlast week i expressed merry christmas to my supervisor who once knew me as one of jw's .
i used to express this greeting to him as well as to others merly as :" happy holidays " .
after expressing :" merry christmas" to him he chuckled and asked me :" isn't it wonderful that you can now say :" merry christmas instead of happy holidays ?
letters of D/A to congregation members
by scarecrow inhi all when my wife and i sent a registered letter of dissasociation to the watchtower socety ( georgetown ,ontario canada ) a few yrs ago, we regreted not sending copies to congregation members at the same time .we regret this because we wondered what the elders told them rather than convey our reasons for leaving .
also, had we done so could we have helped some others in eventually leaving.
i was wondering if any of you who wrote such letters of d/a to the elders ,ever wrote copies to the rank and file of the congregation .
HI all When my wife and i sent a registered letter of dissasociation to the watchtower socety ( Georgetown ,Ontario Canada ) a few yrs ago, we regreted not sending copies to congregation members at the same time .We regret this because we wondered what the elders told them rather than convey our reasons for leaving . Also, had we done so could we have helped some others in eventually leaving. I was wondering if any of you who wrote such letters of D/A to the elders ,ever wrote copies to the rank and file of the congregation . If so, did you manage to help any who recieved and read such letters?
hi Leolala Super_Becka -you two wanted to know what we read that so influenced me and my son and family: My son studies philosophy . About 2 yrs ago,he came across an article in his study of Darwin ( may have been dworken or Karl Popper but pretty sure it was Darwin ) that sounded familiar to him - sure enough, the article from his univ. text quoted Darwin saying regarding the devolopment of the eye :" It's hard to believe that there is no God..." This same quote was found in a watchtower article ( not sure which) to support their( WT) view . the article in the watchtower stops there but the article in my son's textbook by Darwin went on to say : "...however and here the philosopher goes on to say that evolution may still have been at work here ....and so on. So here is a case of the watchtower writers taking quotes out of context Imagine - they did what they accuse the other churches of doing .What outright hypocracy !!! He found many others but I don't want to bother him by asking him what other discrepancies he found ( he's terribally busy) But as he told me - researching comments made by persons the watchtower organization uses will yield many surprises Hi garybuss regarding my question to you :" how did you you manage to get it up so fast ?" and your answer :" my all time favorite question ! I knew i should have rephrased that question to you LOL i asked for it LOL Hi Lady Lee tks for your comment - my mind has been shrpened by this site .UI appreciate many comments - especially yours - I notice you're a long time member here - TO ALL OF YOU - take care - scarecrow
Super_Becka - Thanks for the reply . hope you have luck in swaying your bf from the clutches of the org. In short, read up on a lot of what people say on here especially on scandel section / Show him stuff like UN ( find info on how how decietful they were in keeping their association with the UN secret till the internet brought about their downfall. What got me was how they say they never pass around a collection plate but I found when i started to think again - how their "collection plates" are in your face -EVERYWHERE - wheather at the hall or at conventions not to mention the constant talks about how not enough money is being donated. It's interesting too - how we were told to tell householders to examine their relifion and we show them with our literature but if we as JW's then were true to ourselves, we should also examine our religion - but we are not allowed to do so (they do it for us ) or else if you are caught doing so - you as a jw , would come under close scrutiny. I love it how we are told when we become jw"s to write a letter of disassociation to our former religion but when we do when we leave the org ( as my wife and I did ) that we are labelled as disfellowshipped .How disgusting it is for the organization to tell members not to tallk to such ones and how robot- like they listen .How disgusting when they do this to you and you think to yourself " thier love is a conditional one" - friendly as all get out when you are one of them and scum when you leave - even to the point of looking the other way when they appproch you on the street . or ignoring a simple hello to them Anyways, my blood boils when I think of those things - I'll try to get back to you on some " out of context stuff " I came to know of - maybe by weeks- end Maybe someone reading your relply to me can help you as well. bye for now super_Becka again lots of luck with bf
hey garybuss Thanks for the pic. lol put a smile on my face ! how did you manage to get it up so fast ?
I'm not a newbie - been here before under another name . Haven't posted for quite awhile . I would like to be more regular . About my name ( because someone invariabally asks) : I was reading some of the posts on and off and those of particular interest are ones that talk about the borg's effort at trying to methodically remove the free will to think process from us when we were in attendance at their de-programming sessions( meetings ) Then awhile ago I was thinking of the classic movie " The wizard of Oz" I thought how like the scarecrow we were when we were jw's. When Dorothy came across scarecrow - his dilemma was : he didn't have a brain .I was thinking how much like the scarecrow we were when we were in attendance at the org - not that we didn't think but in a way we didn't have a brain - we didn't need one - The society did all the thinking for us .They practically even told us we didn't need one when they said - "you don't have to study or research - the society does it for you -saving you valueable time" (remember that load of crap?) And to think I fell for it -even thanking them lol .They made us believe we studied other religions on our own in " mankind's search for God" but they chose the religions we studied in that book and chose the wording caefully to malign them. The watchtower studies were designed in such a way so that the answer was obvious .We were like robots - how idiotic we mst have looked to the odd visitor lol. Sometimes things bothered me - I questioned things but kept them secret lest I be labelled as having independent or apostate thinking . But more and more different things bothered me . I attended meetings but critized much to myself . Unbeknownst to me , my university son was checking things out - the teachings and quotes from the study material of the society against the philosphers they used (at their convienience) when they suppported their view . BUT .... my son checked out these philosophical works and read past where they stopped the quote and foud that much of what they presented to us as fact to prove thier point was in fact OUT OF CONTEXT . And here the org had the audacity to say that other religions used information out of contect .In short with this relevation, the whole family left the org . My regret in sending a letter of disasociation letter is not having sent other letters to the cong members telling them why we left. In any case we escaped their control. like the scarecrow, we left the domain of the wicked witch ( the organization ) and entered into the land of "OZ" . Like the scarecrow we now have a brain - ( able to think again ) just like the rest of you !!!!! What we wait for now is the death of the wicked witch (the The watchtower and tract Society .