Bonjour. I read the news about this parents who refused to accept to welcome their to sons when they came back from irak. I am not surprise, i live in france and i have been a j-w for more than 30 years until i made serious research ,bible, historical , religious. One of the thing desperatly neded among j-w is "honest informations" from differents sources, to get information from one source:' the governing bodie' of j-w is plainly dangerous and unhealthy. As for the heartbraking case of this two soldiers i would like to remind their parents about world war II. I am of jewish origine, i am 50 years old and my oncle was arrested and put in "french concentration camp in Drancy", my aunt parents where arrested in france in 1941 ,set to "Drancy" and deported to auswitz and exterminated like many others . My father was living in morocco at that time wich was under french authority, on the 11 november 1941 they where to be deported to france and exterminated in auswitz, on the 8 of november 1941 the u.s forces debarqued in morrocco , and the jewish people of this country where saved, my father loved the americain army and his alway grateful to them, he alway tell this storie when we see each other, his 87 years old now. The allied forces in world war II saved europe, and delivered from the differents concentrations camps in europe the remaining poor peoples jews and non jews , and jehovahs witness , for that tey had to kill thousands and thousands german soldiers and nazis . The question i would like to ask the parents of this two soldiers that came back from irak: where the americain soldiers christian and jewish where they rigt to break "christian neutrality" to saved us????? This parents should open their eyes and look at the hidden history of the leaders of j-w :"Rutherford and his cooperators have sent a disgusting antisemite letter of compremise with adolf hitler, that subjet was poorly treated in an awake magazine. The jehovahs witness in the concentration camps never new about the details of this letter , and i deeply admire their christian faith but their leaders betrayed them. Has for christian principles this peoples should remenber what Jesus-Christ said in mattew 5:43" to love even their own enemies" so all the more their own sons. I have lot more to say about my experience on my life as a j-w. until next time . au revoir.