Posts by FaithfulDoubter

  • one

    "Do Burned CDs Have a Short Life Span?"

    by one in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    "do burned cds have a short life span?

    john blau, idg news service

    tuesday, january 10, 2006

    1. Leolaia
    2. Terry
    3. one
  • FaithfulDoubter

    Hrm, I don't know how much I trust this "expert". He seems to be in the minority about 'tapes' being good. Tapes DO degrade over time, and digital tapes have arguably even more problems, ESPECIALLY if you use them often. (Stretching the tape often results in data loss and degredation.) I wouldn't trust tapes or CD-Rs to do real archival for much. (I'd lay good money that those people using tape for archival are using it purely because of capacity issues, NOT longevity...) That said, there are CD-Rs, and then there are CD-Rs... Some claim to have 100 year life-spans, and I know that I have several 7+ year old CD-Rs still good. The question is really how well you treat them and store them. If you store them at room temperature, out of the sunlight, in a CD-Bible or jewel case, I don't see having many trouble. And does it really take that much effort to reburn important CDs, or better yet store them on a nice network server....

    Next thing you know, I'll be hearing about people storing things on floppy again because CD-Rs are so unrelaiable...

  • wombat

    Are you paranoid about posting?

    by wombat in
    1. watchtower
    2. scandals

    poor jwfacts got sprung when the jw trawlers were able to join the dots.. no, that's wrong - they knew it was him but it took something else for them to be able to prove it.. i am not game to post a bio about myself.

    my jw siblings are very litigious.

    one even sued another jw for libel.

    1. slugga
    2. coffee_black
    3. IMustBreakAway
  • FaithfulDoubter

    Hmmm, yes, paranoia is a good thing. I haven't told any white lies, here anyway. I have in other places. I've also accidentally revealed my full name to a couple of people! (They asked me to e-mail them on the board, and I stupidly replied with my From: field with my full name filled out.) I realized what I'd done only after I sent a few e-mails out. Luckily, those people weren't JW moles in the slightest. I'm already starting to prepare for being outed, but I don't know the emotional toll it will take on me. I have a close relationship with my JW parents, and despite my father having physically abused me on a couple of occassions, wouldn't want him to know that I've told other people about that - and that I still felt he had, even though he did, or something...

  • booker-t

    Did you know of any JW elders or JW pioneers that were "racist"?

    by booker-t in
    1. watchtower
    2. scandals

    i know this might sound like a question from "la-la" land but as a black ex-jws most of the white jw's that i did have contact with were really nice.

    i was talking to a hispanic ex-jws the other day and he was telling me of some of the racist experiences he had as a jw.

    i did not contradict him but i never experienced racism from caucasian jw's.

    1. Praetorian101
    2. TallTexan
    3. Beep,Beep
  • FaithfulDoubter

    Another true story:

    After a sister had chastised a young brother for dating an african-american sister, she was counselled on how race and such didn't matter. After reading several scriptures and so on with her, the brothers thought she was beginning to get the message. A few weeks later, talking to the younger brother she chastised before, in reference to the young african-american sister the brother was dating, she had this to say, "At least she wasn't a Mexican". Old habits die hard I guess.

  • booker-t

    Did you know of any JW elders or JW pioneers that were "racist"?

    by booker-t in
    1. watchtower
    2. scandals

    i know this might sound like a question from "la-la" land but as a black ex-jws most of the white jw's that i did have contact with were really nice.

    i was talking to a hispanic ex-jws the other day and he was telling me of some of the racist experiences he had as a jw.

    i did not contradict him but i never experienced racism from caucasian jw's.

    1. Praetorian101
    2. TallTexan
    3. Beep,Beep
  • FaithfulDoubter

    I have a couple stories...

    Once I expressed interest in a black sister, and some family members strongly dissuaded me saying that the "worst thing I could ever do was mary a black sister". They then went on and said that interracial relationships don't work out, and so on and so forth. I chalked it down to age, but I've since heard rather similar comments from others.

    I also heard of a congregation, that after segregation and so on was done away with, would self-segregate. All the black brothers and sisters on one side, white brothers and sisters on the other. After the meeting ended they wouldn't meangle together, and left rather quickly. I was shocked to hear about such a thing in the Organization!

    Not trying to hijack the thread too much, but I've been thinking a lot about this issue lately. I don't think the JWs are really that much different in regards to race relations. It really is a function of age that determines who 'racist' you are. The later generations today are probably the least racist of any that have come so far, but it's still a definate problem. I see people sometimes make their living on feeding racism, some well meaning, and some that I think are just hateful. (I saw a bone-chilling speech on C-SPAN where a black former university professor advocated the final solution of killing all white people.) I don't think any JW would go that far. I think you'd be suprised what some of the older friends would say about different ethnic groups. I know I was.