Scully, sorry to hear that happen to you.
just a few questions. During the elders meeting, it is a discussion, or a talk to you by the co?i mean, can anyone ask the co to clarify a point or even DISAGREE with him?
It happens very rarely, most elders if they have a genuine concern will see the CO in private later, most just follow the crowd.
and what is your cong.'s requirements to be "used" at the hall? my hall has just recently started using only ms and elders to handle just about every task at the hall. i got booted from reading the wt for "low " hours (4 per month) after a few years of reading, which lead to a heated discussion because the elders said "there is not standard or rule,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BUT" i told them that if you were a brother who was a regular part of the congregation if felt you should be able to read, attend, do lit counter, etc which he didnt like,, the reason it is so easy at our hall is because we have only one or 2 like that, you are either an ms or very irregular....
Every cong is different, my last cong was very easy going, however in my new cong only let elders and MS do any thing, the society dont get involved with these things.