Well I have gone backand forth about posting my story but I am becoming less and less concerned with what might happen to me. But I am going to be very general for the sake of my wife who remains in. I was born in (3rd Gen). Publisher and TMS at age 5. Pioneered from age 15. Went to Bethel became an MS at a young age.ECT.......
The start of my release was doing research for a public talk. I wanted to give the congragation something extra about 607 and of course what I found out was very distrubing. That opened my eyes to look at other things that had been bothering me for years. My family had also been victims of child molestation some I knew of and others I found out about later. In each of the congragations I served in I kept finding more and more of these molestation problems. So by the time I worked up the courage to come here I knew I was thru with them. There is a lot more but I still have to look out for the wife but I hope she will come around.
I have lost some freinds gained some new freinds and some of my old wittness freinds have just stuck with me (I am not DF'ed just fading). The thing I miss the most is my sense of direction which I know I will get back some day but when you let someone else handle that for decades it takes a little while to get your bearings back. Thanks to everyone on here who have help me deal with the many issues that come up while exiting this cult some of you directly some just by your insightful post.