Having a gall bladder removed is no big deal these days. It is done using key hole surgery, and afterwards there is normally nothing stopping you having a normal life. I had mine removed 2 years ago and it made no difference at all to my eating habits. Just try to avoid to much fatty food.
Posts by alanv
Shunning,, let's twist the knife in a little deeper now !
by man in black inthis morning i took my dog who is a therapy dog over to the hospital and visited with several patients.
it is quite an experience, and it really helps people undergoing medical treatment to calm down and relax.. my wife was one of those patients, she is undergoing some tests before getting her gall bladder removed which will probably be sometime tomorrow.. afterwards i took the dog home, cleaned her up, and changed my clothes.
since i was alone i drove over to panara to try one of their breakfast sandwiches, several of the nurses told me that they are pretty good.
What would you think or do if you saw A active JW acting contrary to what they preach?
by jam ina few years ago i attended the bar in a lodge.
a private establishment, but groups could rent it out.
for private parties.
I recently arranged for my plumber to service my JW son's boiler. I pay him cash as that obviously keeps the bill down. I told my son that and he was quite happy not to have to any taxes on the bill
by steve2 ini ransacked entire dusty volumes of watchtowers in search of an answer to this vexing question.
imagine that a jw has been disfellowshipped for apostasy .
would the watchtower accept such bequests?.
In the UK I know there is something called a discretionary trust. If something is left to you in a will, providing you do it within two years you can change the will so that the money goes to someone else, even an organisation.
Part of me wants the Borg to carry on doing what it does
by TheyCantDoATing Man inthere are times when i hate the borg.
when i think about my lost childhood in it, the draconian level of authority and all the idiots i had to put up with over the years, i get very bitter, angry and resentful.. i went through a stage of turning the other cheek and praying for thine enemies but that didn't really work for me.
i remained on boiling point, simmering under the surface.. i now have reached a more pragmatic viewpoint.
I think it is really good how you have moved on and can laugh about it. I had the same experience with a JW who was a close family friend and neighbour. As soon as she heard me telling my JW son that birthdays were not unchristian she makes a point of completely shunning me whenever we saw each other It was hilarius. You could see her physically putting her nose in the air and looking away.
London Riots: More Than 1,000 People Charged
by Bangalore inlondon riots: more than 1,000 people charged.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-14558465.
I think the police will be on top of it if it were to happen again. I wander what the JWs make of it?
The really good thing to come out of it was the large clean up operation afterwards. It must have been like that on a larger scale during world war 2. It really seemed to get people together to go forward again. The punishments handed out are indeed severe but they need to be. This must not happen again.
Short memorials, boring weddings, no birthdays, etc...just because it places too much emphasis on a person?
by Chemical Emotions indoes that seem fair?
did it ever make you feel kind of...ashamed to be a human?.
I went to my JW son's wedding recently and when the bride came into the hall, the witnesses stayed seated. I asked why they did not stand and do you know what the presiding oversear said. 'It's a bit like worship isn't it.' I was speechless.
Are you an "apostate"?
by cedars ini'm quite new to this site, and i've noticed that many of you are more than happy to call yourselves "apostates", even though many of you evidently believe in the bible and in jesus as saviour, etc.. i'm aware that the society brands anyone who disagrees with them as being an "apostate", but just because they choose to do this, does this mean we should be comfortable with being so branded?
should we "bend over" and take it?.
here is what the insight book says on apostasy:.
When anyone on a JW forum calls me an apostate, I remind them that actually many of them are too. If they came from another religion to being a JW it is exactly the same as me leaving their religion.
Having said that I always call witnesses who have left the religion for any reason ex witnesses. That is not only more polite it is more accurate.
by Mad Sweeney inartist jess black to create an entire series of art works depicting the oppression of growing up a jw.
he is going to call it "leather bound in red or black" and he's making no apologies even though he's already receiving criticism about it.. http://www.newswiretoday.com/news/95809/.
It's always good to read (and see) personal accounts from ex witnesses. Let's hope a lot of people see his work and learn how oppresive and controlled a person is in the organisation.
Incidently mad, did you realize you had no title on your post. I think often people scoot over posts with no title.
Anyone Have the August OKM ?
by Maralee indose anyone have the okm for august?
thank you in advance.
I think the September 2011 is out too. I always appreciate anyone posting them. It helps those of us who have family still in, to know what they are up to.
Being A Jehovah's Witness is Simply A Waste Of Time!!!
by minimus ini hope that if any witness sees this thread, they understand that being a witness = being a time waster.. please understand this.
if you don't believe me, i'm sure others here will agree.. if you can salvage any of your time that is left, do it!
get out of this false religion.
I guess I was lucky. I had a great social life as a witness. Always plenty of friends to go around with. I also enjoyed the power of being a pioneer and mini servant. Also learnt how to speak to different types of people and to address a large meeting.
Having said that the so called friends dropped me like a hot potato when I left for disagreeing with the society.
So I have good and bad memories of my time with them.
However much of those things I mentioned I could have learnt elsewhere if I wanted.
The worst thing is realizing your so called friends are totally conditional on you agreeing with all that they say. I am well rid of friends like that.