The more I look at this pic, the more I do wander what has happened to Jesus. As I said before the other things mentioned are fairly minor points, but yes why no Jesus? I guess it could be why the elders are attending classes in Feb. Something big happening to 1914 and/or Jesus position as king maybe still to be in the future. This will be interesting to see how this pans out.
Posts by alanv
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Well one good thing has come from this thread and that is it got everyone talking.
I would say Cedars I do apologise to you for calling you paranoid. That was uncalled for and I didn't think it through. I have tremendous respect for anyone that can write clearly and concisely and your blogs do that.
As for the fact there is no Jesus here, some have given reasons why he may not be, but it is strange I admit.
Everything else though is nothing new. The dubs already know that if you speak against the gov body you are in fact speaking against Christ. That is what they have been told. They already know how important the gov body are in the org. They think that is where their spirtitual food comes from after all.
So certainly to the average dub as some have said on here this will change nothing. All it does is reinforce what they already have been told and believe. But as we all know the society like to go over the same point again, and again, and again. That is mind control.
I dont think the average lurker on this site would be at all surprised by the picture. They already know that the Watchtower society provides all the literature, and to them the gov body is the society. I dont think they will get too upset by the chairs either, or the position on the globe.
So interesting picture, but as I and others have said lets move on to something new that is happening in the organisation. There are much more important things to discuss than a picture showing the dubs what they already know (apart from the absence of Jesus)
Sex abuse scandles, the worldwide report, the big changes in the the way the society are using the internet, the new comic characters for the children which again is mind control. These are the things we should focus on and expose.
A picture depicting the way the organisation has worked for the last 30 years is certainly not going to have any impact on most JWs or any lurkers.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Maybe someone should just write in to the Society and ask about the picture, see what they say. That would squash all this debate, ha ha, riiight...
I really wish someone would do that sd-7. It would be interesting to hear their reply.
I totally agree with what you are saying. The average dub wont give this a second thought. It is purely there to amuse apostates apparantly.
It serves a purpose. It simply shows the pecking order in the org, and as I said earlier the dubs already know it, so just a reminder to them, like all the other reminders they get.
Now lets move on to something sensible that really does show how evil and corrupt the organisation and its governing body are.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Good point perfect1. I know I had no idea who they were when I was in. I guess in an information age, they feel they can't completey keep these guys anonymous. But it is probably still true that most dubs have no idea who they are or what qualifications they may have for the job.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Question : Explain to the board in detail why you think Cedars is paranoid
as to the things he point out in the pics
1 The picture is about the earthly part of the organisation. Nothing to do with the heavenly part. Do many of you really think that Jesus is about to be booted out, because he is not in the picture?
2 The comfy chairs. As I have already stated chair quality changes wherever you live in the world. I already said in Denmark they had a 3 piece suite in the library, while we in UK had hard uncomfortable chairs. It did not mean they were any better than us did it? If the gov body had been shown sitting on old hard chairs, the immediate response would be, 'no way do they sit on old chairs'
3 Sitting on part of Africa. The yearly report spells out exactly what is happening in the world. They don't need subtle pictures to add to that report.
4 Cedars I know you are not looking for supporters, I was trying to tell you that you usually write well written blogs. They are very interesting and informative. It’s just that this time I do not share your view.
5 The hierarchical nature of the religion. As I have already stated, this picture is nothing new. It has been the same for decades. Publishers bow down to elders, elders bow down to circuit overseers. (By the way there is no district overseer there, do you think he has been done away with. And yet the circuit overseer has to bow to him.) To continue, circuit overseers bow down to branch elders and the branch bows down to governing body. That is how it was and that is how it is. Nothing has changed. No need for subtle pictures to add to that report.
6 jwfacts mentions the fact that there are no women leaders. This is true, and a good point to make, but again it is nothing new. JW women all know their position in the org. They agree to it at their baptism. That is the structure the org has. If women don’t like it, they are free to not join up. Of course that is a terrible way to be going on in the 21 st century, but that is how this organisation works. All witnesses know that, they know about the steps from the governing body to the publisher.
If all of this was shown to someone studying, then yes it is very useful imfo. But the converted already know and accept this. The society are purely pushing the point home, just like they do in every article they have ever written.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Cedars I normally am a very strong supporter of yours. You have written some excellent blogs. However you even seen surprised that the governing body members look like themselves. Who do you think they should look like Donald Duck?
The hierarchy thing is nothing new. This is how the structure has looked for decades. Why are you surprised at it. I'm not saying it is right, but nothing here has changed. This picture will not change the average witness view of the organisation. It is already how they view it. All it does is reemphasise that point. It is part of their mind control. They want everyone to see where they should be in the org. Nothing to do with, comfy chairs, no Jesus in picture or sitting on Africa.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
OK If you feel that Jesus is about to be booted out of the heavenly organisation then that is your choice. And I will be the first to apologise if that happens. But in truth it aint gonna happen. The whole idea of the picture is to show how the earthly part is made up, nothing to do with the heavenly part. I think blondie got it right, saying the bit that is wrong is the fact that the first 4 rows had people sitting there. lol. That is about as wrong as this illustratioin gets.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Cedars of course you can respond. It is your thread. I am giving my view. But trust me, you would get nowhere at all showing those points to a witness.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
No Eden I don't. And certainly it would never, ever be important to the average witness. They except Jesus as the second most important being in the universe. That has not and will not change. Many on here are reading much to much into this illustration. I despise the organisation and what it says and does, but if you were to make any of the points that Cedars mentioned at the beginning to a witness you would just be totally laughed at. Not one witness would say, woh, I never thought of that picture like that. Lets get back to real sins of the organistion and not nit pic what sort of chairs they sit on lol
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Cedars, you are starting to get really paronoid. The picture is about the EARTHLY part of Jehovah's Organisation. It does not matter what the heavenly part of the picture shows. It is not about that. And deciding that the gov body have better chairs is frankly stupid. In some lands the elders chairs are cheap and chearful in other lands they would be top quality. It varies obviously from country to country. In the 1970s I visited a kingdom Hall in Denmark. They had an area with a 3 piece suite, totally unheard of in UK.
Also do you really think the society put a picture of Africa on purpose, after just publishing the service report about which countries are doing well and those that are not. You are giving them far to much credit. I can guarrantee that not 1 JW in a 1000 would even look at the map or care about it. It simply shows the JW structure of things. End of.