Im in the uk, and its almost total lockdown. So we have been told to stay in our homes unless we are essential workers. So JWs should be not meeting with anyone except those in their own homes, the same as the rest of us
Posts by alanv
Suspension of Meetings and Field Service in Your Area
by RubaDub inhere, in our congregation in south florida (miami), no meetings, no field service in our congregation.. what is is like in your area?.
rub a dub .
Kingdom Hall for sale
by Lost in the fog inthis kelowna kingdom hall can be yours for just under $3 million.
Yes smiddy, how can that spokesman talk about growth in the country. They have had no increase in Canada for the last two years. If they publish the figures that show that they are not growing there, how can anybody possibly say different to what the figures show. The article said As the church accommodates growth, some buildings are being renovated, others sold and some new ones built. Last year, 10 new halls were built in Canada with another nine planned for this year. Another 28 had or will have major renovations, Andersen wrote. He did not say how many were sold in Canada.
This is how the Watchtower is making its money now. They sell Kingdom Halls and then build new ones with free labour. This is happening throughout the world and the jdubs are to brainwashed to realize it.
Never been so ashamed of the JW's
by snare&racket injust wait until this is done!
excitedly awaiting the deaths of potentially millions, to get their log cabin by a lake and a tiger is reprehensible!
The virus has certainly made JWs think more about their doctrine of the grest tribulation. We can only hope that it will bring many to their senses that their teaching is not 1 million deaths but 7 billion in a mass slaughter by God.
Gilead graduation
by obarac inanyone have recording of 148 gilead graduation?.
i heard that was a stream on
and lots of people watched live..
Lloyd Evens on the cedars channel was watching it live as it was streamed to people that had the link. Then halfway through it, Watchtower pulled the plug on his link. You can see his video here
Free Birthday Meals
by Iamallcool indo you know of any dubs that take advantage of free birthday meals at restaurants?
What a great question. Also mothers can get a free meal at some places on Mothers Day, another day that JWs dont celebrate.
covid-19 Australia jworg style.
by jonahstourguide inhi all.. i wanted to post this somewhere that all could see it.. here is a letter being circulated in melbourne australia area.. covid-19 announcement dear friends, the local body of elders have agreed on the following actions in relation to today’s announcement.
theocratic events at this stage congregation meetings will continue to run as normal.
no publisher should feel obligated to attend congregation meetings at this time if they feel concerned or anxious about doing so.
Good point Smiddy3. They can make the bible back anything they say. Pretty easy considering how big a book the bible is.
All circus assemblies have been cancelled for two months at this time.
circus assemblies? haha
Can single sisters get Breast Augmentation?
by friedchicken ini am curious can a single jw sister get a breast augmentation?
will the elders disfellowship her?
will jehovah be angry with her or upset?
Im not sure how anyone would know for sure, if she had it done. Obviously if she showwed them off at the Kingdom Hall she would be asking for trouble. But if she covers up as all good JW women should, then they really cant do or say much about it. There are women who have one breast larger than the other, and have surgery to balance them out.Others have other adjustments made. Nothing to do with anyone else.
No Meetings, preaching work and circuits for JW's in Holland because of SARS-COVID-19 / Corona + Memorial only for JW's
by Gorbatchov intoday all jw's in holland are informed that all meetings, the preaching work and the circuits are halted / closed because of sars-covid-19 / "corona".
first till march, 30 and then maybe longer.. the first time that the jw work in holland completely stopped.
the memorial will be held only for jw's.
Lets hope other countries will follow the lead of Holland. It looks like the governing body are leaving it to local branches to decide what is possible and what is not regarding meetings and preaching.
2020--2 Letters--Coronavirus--Memorial!
by Atlantis in2020 march 9, letter.
2020 march 12, letter--coronavirus--memorial.
They just cant bring themselves to say, we will cancel the memorial this year. The memorial is meant to be all about the anointed ones sharing bread and wine, so why would anyone not sharing in that meal need to be there?
Donating Blood a Disfellowshipping Offense?
by HiddenPimo inwhen i served as an elder i never heard of this scenario presenting itself - giving blood.. has anyone heard of a judicial case where a person donated and was disfellowshipped?
are there any references to this in the jw publications, manuals, handbooks?.
not so hiddenpimo :-).
Watchtower would be ok if you were just somehow just donating some fractions, but you cant do that, so you would also be donating parts of blood that Watchtower bans. But clearly they are trying to keep away from this subject of donating blood