Posts by alanv
Is A 'Moderate' Opinion of the Governing Body Possible?
by metatron inradical circumstances push people into extreme frames of mind.. it seems to me that, for some time now, the governing body of jehovah's witnesses has been surrounded by increasingly more difficult circumstances and hardships.
they have cut magazines, literature, sold off real estate, dumped long term bethelites, dumped paid subscriptions, railed against facebook, condemned college attendance, and begun to sell off branch offices.. a moderate, reasonable viewpoint of these changes is easy to come up with: the rank and file are broke, burned-out and dispirited.
furthermore, the increasing depth of these changes would push any reasonable person to conclude that the organization is in quiet decline - far from any realization of heavenly intervention.. the above would logically push a reasonable person towards the conclusion that the 130 year doomsaying history of the watchtower society is a pious fraud at best.
Hi metatron,
You have to remember what attracted most people to the society in the first place. For many they were under achievers and mostly without much ambition.
The JW org fitted in very well with their take on life. The org will do just about everything for you. You don't have to think or work out much yourself.
So those rank and file really want that situation to continue. The society tell them bad things are hapopening in the world, and hey they are right. It matters not that most things are better, the society and the sheep only look at the bad things. The rank and file are told they will be persecuted and hey they are. Even if it is something as trivial as going to a birthday party. If we ask them why not they can't go, they view that as persecution.
So I am afraid things need to get a lot worse in the org. before most of them will start to ask questions. When all said and done they are still seeing some increase and that will hold a lot of them in. Most of the other things will be put down to restructuring, which other organisations are doing as well.
The uni and college thing has been going on for years. All witnesses know that it could take them out of 'the truth' so as far as they are concerned the society is right to warn them about it.
I know it's depressing , but let's hope things do get a lot worse for them in the near future, and we can get our friends and family back who have been caught by this false religion.
JWs ask- where are the F&DS?
by moshe ini was thinking that maybe they must be, as the wt recently told the jws that following the gb was like following god (no mention of the f&ds).
can someone post that wt quote from a few months ago?
jws must have noticed that the faithul and discreet slave were left out and they will start asking- "where are they?
Hi moshe. I think this is the quote you were looking for
The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ.
Sept 15 th 2010 page 23
Aid to Bible Understanding
by Sharpie inhow many people still have the book aid to bible understanding?
and when did the watchtower decide to scrap it?
was there any offical anoucements anyone rememeber to please return the books?
We want to assure you briothers this new book release has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Ray Franz, who wrote a lot of the aid to bible unstanding book got kicked out and is now an apostate.
signed Watchtower society
Continuity of the Bible - Start to Finish
by tyu ini was asked in a previous topic whether i thought the bible had continuity in its thought/teaching from start to finish, from old to new testament.
you can argue from specific passages taken apart and out of context that the bible contradicts itself, but, all in all, there is one message-that of love, a father's love.
the bible is the story of a father who creates a family (beginning with adam and eve), but they break their bond with him.
You are joking. Surely. The father's deep personal love for his people?
Because of Adam's mistake, you feel it really shows us God's great love for the human race when he allows billions of people to die, some in terrible ways over the past thousand of years.
Not to mention the mass slaughter that JWs expect in the near future.
You really feel this shows God's love for the human race.
I am speechless.
Vote issue stumbled studying work colleage
by init is my opinion everyone has the choice to follow jw path if they choose.
what angers me is that half the time, people don't realise what they are getting themselves into.
my work college had been studying for quite a while.
Thanks for that artemis. It is common practice among witnesses not to talk about anything that might put the person off. So they always start with non confrontational topics.
If he had been very into the local church, they would hold back from telling them about how the JWs feel about them.
The hope is that all the positives about the religion outweigh the disadvantages.
wakeing up family
by TheLoveDoctor ini'v been letting my mom know how i feel about the wts-gb hints like generation changes, issues with higher ed, mind control methods of the watchtower, and the fact that thier own liturature prove them wrong.
so i said to mom after we went out to eat, i guess im respossable for putting dougts in your head?
she said nothing that wasnt even there in the first place an a cleared up a lot of things for her.
Awake 19727/8p.8GettingaBalancedViewofPets
The Bible shows that only man was given the prospect of living forever. Adam was to die only if he proved disobedient. (Gen. 2:16, 17) We, his descendants, are in a dying state due to inheriting sin from him, "for the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom. 6:23; 5:12) Other creatures,’ as "unreasoning animals," are not capable of conscious or willful sin against God.Hence their death is simply due to natural processes; the general life-span built into their genetic makeup from the beginning. Thus, while a rhinoceros may live as much as half a century, a short-tailed shrew has a life-span seldom passing two or three years. Some insects live only a few hours. This will continue to be true even in God’s promised new order by his Son’s righteous kingdom, when death inherited by humans from Adam "will be no more."—Rev. 21:4.
Hi love doctor, that is the societies view, so you better tell your mum not to get to attatched to her pet lion in the new system!
Hi Aussie, surely an unbaptised boy would not have any priveledges after all, he had not made up his mind to be a JWand that time. If he has already covered the books that are necessary for everyone before getting baptised, I would have thought he would just go through the baptism questions.
By the way I am sorry for your great loss. (In the ashes cricket he he)
Wikileaks vs. The Watchtower
by FrankWTower inany word or chance of a wikileaks watchtower leak?.
i would absolutely looooooooooooooveeee that!.
Since Ray wrote his books the internet has really taken off. There are now loads of sites that tell what goes on behind the scenes.
As every day goes by more district, circuit, or congregation elders are spilling the beans on the Watchtower. Things that were hushed up by the society are now available for anyone to see online.
Great isn't it!
Reliable Reporting in the Awake
by maninthemiddle inconcider this a follow up to the previous dinosaur thread.
i was interestd in what else might have been said and i found this:.
from *** g75 6/8 p. 5 a worldwide floodwhat does it mean to you?
It's a bit like asking the local mikman whether he thinks milk is good for us.