It may be that their push for children to get baptised is happening. We will have to see the rest of the worldwide report to see other figures to judge how the org is doing. Thanks for finding that figure though.
Posts by alanv
284000 baptized in 2017
by jw-verite inseen in the 03/2018 watchtower study :.
"during the 2017 service year, more than 284,000 “rightly disposed” individuals symbolized their dedication to jehovah by water baptism.".
Angry the BBC covered J.W. child abuse on the national TV news at 1pm but not 6pm or 10pm
by Isambard Crater indid the j.w lawyers gag the bbc or something?
not even newsnight covered it.
it was given 3 minutes every hour on the 24-hour bbc news channel though i guess..
Baptismal Q`S asked in the year 1960 ,anyone ? Contrasted to what Q`s they ask now
by smiddy3 ini`m just curious as to what /who i dedicated/baptized my life to in 1960 compared to who or what j.w.`s are being baptized/dedicating their life into this present day ?.
and what scenarios this could lead into ?
would my baptism still be valid ?
I too was baptised in the 1960s and at that time there was no mention of working with the organisation. The questions were purely about God and Christ, and how you feel about them. The questions were changed in the 1980s to get an agreement from the JW that they would work along with the org. Therefor those who were baptised before those new questions are under no obligation whatsoever to work along with the org, because they never agreed to that.
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In need of your advice. November broadcasting 2017
by pleaseresearch inso my mum asked me to watch the broadcast and to my astonishment i got through it without smashing my screen haha.. so i let her know what liars they are for saying they would never deliberately distort a quotation.. she is ok for me to give her some printouts of watchtower material where this has in fact happened, contry to what they say.. where should i start and what would be your best link, or way to approach this.
i think this is a good opportunity of waking her up, if she can see that the broadcast has lied to her, she won't be happy.. any advice is you can give is so appreciated.. thanks everyone..
Could the Watchtower lose tax exemption in US?
by Outahere inlooks like trump wants to take out the scientologists.. .
as a cult, could the watchtower be close behind?.
November 2017 JW broadcasting HYPOCRISY!
by stuckinarut2 i am on a bit of a temper tantrum rant here...but if anyone has (endured) watched this month's broadcast, you will know what i mean!.
i have only watched 20 mins so far, and the hypocrisy is mind blowing.
they dare to go on about how thoroughly they research the material produced, so that errors are prevented etc.. for instance, the actually say how they ensure that a scientist is not misquoted, or that an "evolutionist" is not inaccurately quoted to make it seem like his comments are different to his intentions.
In theory, can one be disfellowshipped for attempted suicide?
by Saename inso i was recently reading the reasons for disfellowshipping as listed in shepherd the flock of god.
the handbook is available online here: on page 59, point #4, it lists attempted suicide as a reason for disfellowshipping.
has it ever been removed?
If Elders and Ministerial Servants did what Michael Fallon has done, few would remain
by Isambard Crater inover the years i have seen plenty of elders and ministerial servants touch other j.w's knees, thighs, give very long and intimate hugs, blah, blah, blah.
i know of other sisters who have felt really uncomfortable with such behaviour, but the brothers have just explained that they're being loving as caring christian friends, so they get away with it.
it angers me that no j.w's will speak out about historic or ongoing inappropriate touching for fear of being disfellowshipped or losing the hope of paradise..
I regard what has happened to Michael Fallen as totally ridiculous. Are we really saying that anyone in a responsible job, must be totally squeaky clean. and never done anything slightly inappropriate, even decades ago.
All of us have done things in the past, that we are not proud of, but providing it is in the past, then it should be forgiven, as the bible commands. Of course this does not include serious sin, but touching someone on the knee, is not a serious sin. The journalist concerns also thinks it is crazy that he has had to resign over this incident.
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Stagnation of JWs in Britain
by darkspilver inthis is an 'off-topic' continuation of this discussion.
steve2: in britain, growth of publishers is slowing down, if not stagnating.
darkspilver: .
I actually listed the European countries last year, and the figures showed that overall there was no increase at all In Europe as a whole. I'm hoping this trend will spread to other continents this year.
Am I right in thinking the report will first appear on jwdotorg under the 'about us' heading?
2017 Memorial Partakers
by NashvilleTele inwhen does the number of memorial partakers get released for 2017. i was wondering if the number will surpass 20k.