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Posts by alanv
2 BOE's--Atlantis!
by Atlantis inone of these boes is ( old news ), the london letter on the annual totals, and the other concerns pioneering in 2019. just for your records.. .
2018 Service Year Report - Released on
by Drearyweather in2018 service year report of jehovah’s witnesses worldwide.
see details of the global preaching work of jehovah’s witnesses from september 2017 to august 2018..
average publishers preaching each month: 8,360,594 (2017 - 8,248,982).
Ok I think I understand the report now. So although they present peak publishers in the report, the actual increase is based on the average publishers per country. That explains the figures from Britain. Peak publishers 2017 is 137468, Peak Publishers 2018 is 139783. So although this is a 1.7% increase, the actual increase they have published is based on the average publishers that are not shown to us. So average for Britain is shown as 0% increase in 2018.
Tag teams of Cart Sitters
by days of future passed inone sunday, we took our dad out for lunch.
since it didn't open till 12:00, we were going to have to kill time.
this restaurant is situated with other businesses around a small park and when we parked, we noticed there was a cart to the right in the park.
There is no doubt the JWs love this new way of ''preaching'' What is better than sitting in the park on a nice summer day, texting or viewing things on your phone or tablet, and chatting to your partner about anything. If anyone does come up to you, all you need to do is hand them some free literature and point to jwdotorg.
Why is the watchtower tight fisted
by pepperheart inwhy when i can get many books and magazines sent through the post from many other cults does the watchtower make a big fuss about a little 16 page magazine.
I think to be fare to them, most free magazines have adverts to help pay for them. Watchtower dont do that.
Possible leak from Annual Meeting 2018
by Listener ini'm a member on jw talk (until now at least) and have been regularly checking up on their thread regarding the annual meeting.
there hasn't been a great deal to report on except for this recent post that has been made.
i may get outed but that's no loss.
It made me laugh when they said a little while back, its best to explain prophesy after it has happened. That way of course they can say what has actually happened and fit a scripture around it
Incomplete List of Reasons or Ways to Die in the Bible
by ILoveTTATT2 ini´ve come up with a partial list (i am only in 1 kings) of the many reasons and ways to die in the bible.maybe, when i am in revelation, i am going to share the full list.
how many do you think i´ll end up having??
That list is amazing and as is said there are even more.
kingdom halls
by pepperheart indo you think the watchtower will sell off any more kingdom hall after the 3,000 have been sold of and why do you think that.
From a business point of view,it makes total sense for them to sell of some halls. After all they are only used for a few hours each week,if there is only one congregation using the hall. So they are now getting more congs to use the same hall. Of course this shows no regard whatsoever in making witnesses travel a lot further to attend their meetings
Narrow mindedness annoying
by Lost in the fog innone of the brothers and sisters in indonesia were hurt or lost in the recent disaster, according to one of the friends who added "we were all praying for them as soon as we heard it on the news, as you do.
and what about the rest of the population?
i know its nothing new in their attitude to the world outside in general, but it makes me so angry!
The whole praying for God's protection is a joke. Sometimes they are lucky and no one gets killed or injured, and other times many of them do. Has nothing whatsoever to do with prayer
Here's another subtle reverse-witnessing topic:
by neat blue dog inthe next time a jw brings up a natural disaster or severe weather event as proof of the last days, and they preface it by reciting a fact they heard on the news like, (just for the sake of example) 'it's the worst earthquake in 70 years' or 'the worst plague in 200' years', (you get the picture), then simply reply: "oh, so that means that ____ years ago there was one that was worse, right?".
i did this twice.
both times got the same response:.
Its a good point. Makes me laugh when the news item says something like its the hottest day for 10 years. OK so what?
Adding insult to injury when the WT kicks out a congregation from their hall
by nowwhat? innot only does the organization confiscate the hall the congregation owns.
but then the former congregants are told to continue to pay for utilities and they are still responsible for upkeep and maintenance.
so they still have to cut the grass etc.
Wow how can the jdubs not see how they are being completely scammed?