JWs these days have the mentality not to debate with anyone about JW beliefs. They constantly point toward jwdotorg for people to get answers to their questions. Most witnesses know very little about the orgs past and they just want people to believe what they are told, rather than question it.
Posts by alanv
Ignorance of Watchtower doctrine among young JW's
by nicolaou ini've been having a conversation with a young jw on twitter and have, once again, come up against beliefs that do not match up with official watchtower doctrine.
if you like you can read the full thread here (you'll need to click on some comments to open it all up).. anyway the upshot is that this jw, and many like her, believe that only truly wicked people will be killed at armageddon - not innocent babies and children or anyone who "didn't know better" perhaps because they didn't get a witness.
it's as though they cannot accept the obvious injustice of jehovah's morality.. this jw teenager believes that all these non-jw's who survive armageddon will get their chance to prove their loyalty during the 1000 year reign of christ - again, not a watchtower teaching.. i don't really have a question to ask, this is just an observation.
End times
by pepperheart inif the watchtower think that these are the end times why dont they employ all the people who used to work at bethel to go door to door or go on the cart full time.after all money is no good in paradise .
The question is more why did the org not reassign those who were asked to leave bethel, to become special pioneers. The answer is money. The org wanted to stop paying them, and that was more important to them than having those bethelites spend more time in the preaching work. So now it is up to those bethelites to fund their own ministry.
Never in my wildest dream would I ever see one of those dog gone carts
by Tameria2001 ini moved to where i'm currently living for 10 years now.
once in a while, i would have jws come to my door and every single time either i or my husband would send them on their merry way, although my husband is quite rude about it.
i'm not sure when the cart witnessing (or whatever it is called) started up, but the only time i ever heard about it was on the internet, or someone here talking about it.
Yes they are appearing in many different counties and towns now. The joke is, rather than helping to increase the number of JWs around the world, numbers have been decreasing over the past 5 years or so. Personally I think it is purely a way of keeping the dubs involved in the org, so they dont stray, while at the same time making it really easy for them to do their time. Also now they are told not to debate, but rather point people toward the JW website.
"They are so keen, they need to be locked up for the first 6 months!"
by stuckinarut2 indo we all remember that expression when we were jws?.
someone new would "come into the truth", and be so enthusiastic and keen, that we would all joke about "locking them up for the first 6 months because they would preach to everyone".
jws thought that the passion for "learning the truth" was the issue.
Yes i made the mistake of pouring out all the things I had learnt as an ex JW. It did far more harm than good when I told my JWs son and also my best mate. Both of them have made it clear they never want the subject brought up again.
report from vomitville and financials
by jonahstourguide ini attended a circuit arsesemblancey today.
melbourne, melton arsembley hall.
western suburbs area.. 1. re hearing negative reports in the media about jws.
If i was a member of that circuit, I would be furious they gave my donated money for the assembly to the branch, and now i have to do it again.
Discontinue unproductive bible study - jw broadcasting
by Gorbatchov inhttps://tv.jw.org/#en/mediaitems/latestvideos/pub-ism_2_video.
interesting video explaining how to end a bible study.. watch the kind of uber behaviour of the witnesses: make a choice or we leave.... so hard, so not christian.
no love for the person.. g..
They can find a scripture somewhere in the bible to back up whatever they say, even if it contradicts another scripture.
Hello WTBS ...we have a problem... millions missing publishers
by TexWiller inas the title states there is a ...problem.
allow me to explain.. i'll start with a letter from the president of the wtbs inc in 1974.
*** yb74 254-6 is your faith dead or alive?
There are several very simple graphs at jwfacts.com that show clearly the above points.
3 BOE's Just Arrived!
by Atlantis in2019 literature requests inventory guidelines.
https://wetransfer.com/downloads/61d2fbfb4e9fe98207232706d268cefe20190108210049/f1225274c08578aa9fc436bc3165671b20190108210049/eed346 2019-assignment to view the special talk https://wetransfer.com/downloads/a5a5e609608a179d2b25b7c0609ee33420190108210028/e9d368033ab2845e214166bd31f3187720190108210028/0a64d5 2019-announcements and remindershttps://wetransfer.com/downloads/d64d5acb5ff60667f04937d335ddb5d220190108210004/377677b2c0da62f04f2750c7ffdb9ba320190108210004/6cb41datlantis!
Magazine Servant: In view of the simplified arrangements for magazine production and distribution that have been implemented in recent years, please note that the work of the magazine servant will now be cared for by the literature servant.
There is so little spiritual food available now, they dont need two separate guys to care for the literature.
At 1.4% growth the last 2 years, it's safe to say, jw.org and cart witnessing is an abject failure!
by nowwhat? inso much for jehovah blessing this new arrangement.
they are barely keeping up with the birthrate!
so basically the org spent millions of dollars on their website and broadcasting so the only growth they are still getting comes from born ins and illiterate and superstitious folks from africa.
The cart witnessing certainly isnt bringing in a lot of new converts. It was set up in my opinion to make the work easier for the jdubs. More hours can easily be achieved with this type of work. Also it shows an increase in regular pioneers as it is now so easy for them to get their time in. So its a way of showing some increase, because they cannot now rely on publisher increase. Their other short term solution is to show peak publishers, which has the affect of making the average publisher think there is good growth.
Cart witnessing
by Phoebe innot sure if anyone has posted this before but it's just been put on youtube so i guess it's okay to show you??
if not, please delete it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdusnlvjm-k.
Wow there really is no difference any more between JWs and other religions who want to attract more followers and worship their leaders.