you would be suprised how many people do know that they came when He was about 2 years old. Alot of people who have a nativity scene in their home, set the wise men farther away to symbolize their delayed arrival. The problem with acuratly displaying it publicy (ie real big), you would have to put them faaaaaar away and then people would really be confused.
JoinedPosts by SomeGeek
Catholic "Manger Scene" misrepresents the facts!
by Schizm ini drove by the local catholic church this evening and happened to notice there was a manger scene set up out front of the church.
flanking one side of the child's crib were mary, a few shepherds, and a cow.
flanking the other side of the crib were joseph and the so-called "three wise men" (more accurately known as the magi).. after having seen this display it made me wonder whether or not the local catholics know that the magi did not make their visit while jesus was an infant lying in a manger.
What weird/strange expierence you've seen/had with a DUB?
by stillAwitness ini remember a sister and i in service and we were lost finding the territory.
instead of making a u-turn into a church parking lot right beside us to turn back around (we were on a one-way street and cars were behind us) she refused and instead went all the way down to the end of the road, into a neighborhood, and onto someone's driveway just to turn around.
of course sis.
I'm not a JW but a dating one who had been one since a toddler. I had this bracelet with a scripture reference on it. Just the book, chapter and verse. He saw it and noted it was nice. I asked did he want me to tell him what it said. He agreed. I did; I said the Book, chapter, verse and paraphrase the scripture for clarity. He reponce was I never heard of that guy. He thought it was a rapper and seemed shocked that there was a book in bible named that.
And if your it wasn't some obscure book, not a popular one thou. Still I thought the notation would have been a clue.
How much JW love is enough?
by Spectrum ini've noticed over my short time on the forum that one of the indictments levied against the jws is the lack of brotherly/sisterly love that they extend to the follow jw.
i remember my first congregation (i was about 14/15).
of the nearly 200 people there i was only ever invited to two brother's homes over a 2 year period.
"But God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" Romans 5:8(NIV)
Christ's love for us is inmeasurable. Having the love of Christ in your heart is about have a geniune concern for one's well being. There is no such thing as too much love because there is no greater love. They way you can show love is to find ou thow they need love. Maybe they need someone they can confide in. Make yourself availible to be confided in. Perhapes just letting them know they are not alone in the world helps. The first thing to do would be to pray for guidance.
Sex before marriage as a Witness okay, if ...
by free2beme in... you actually get married.
if you end up having sex and then breaking up, trust me, someone is going to tell the elders.
saw it happen more times then i could ever count.
ok then I have a question: I know a young man who got "some girl" pregnant. Needless to say, she wasn't a nice wittness girl. He hasn't been disfellowshiped. The baby is almost a year and I haven't seen any: different behavioe with his family, slowing of attendance to meetings, or not ahnging with the same freinds.
Then again, I don't know what goes on once he steps inta a Kingdom Hall
"A Text without a Context, is a Pretext"
by rockhound inan old saying that must be drilled into the brain of every christian is "a text, without a context, is a pretext" reading the context, context, context, is a must do for all, in order to find out who?, what?, when?, where?, and why?.
we all learned these basis rules in english class, back in our school years.. the watchtower society has endlessly used scriptural quotes from 1 john, 2 john, and 3 john about the "antichrist" and applied these text to those who question the teachings of the society, and even though their faith in jehovah god and his son christ jesus was then, and is still, as strong as ever.
never the less, on went the lable "apostate" and friendships, and family were torn apart, and in many cases terminated.. who were the ones labled "antichirst"?
"By the end of the second century, Gnostis were begining to be labled as heretics and driven out of orthodox Christian congregations. Though orthodoxy moved in antother direction, Gnostic Christian communities survied for centuries" pg 76 A Concise History of Christainity - 2nd Ed, R. Dean Peterson
Mabe this is my positive nature, but just as Gnostic were pushed to the fringes and later "faded" away. Maybe the same will happen with JW. Many people leave evey year however many new are recruted. Satan always has a new trick to deter those who seek truth which is why people must ginuenly seek God and ask for truth. He will grant it. Reading any intense publication without seeking purpose is where people tend to fall. Reading the Watchtower
Without a Bible
is going to fog one;s thinking.Why do you think most articles have blocks of scripture refferences somewhere in middle?
Freewill, Logic, and God's Word were given to us for a reason...think!
Another great loss in my life..I hesitate to post this ,,
by LyinEyes in[edited: links have been removed from this post.].
i hestitated to write this on xmas day and i hate to get anyone down, but i hope you understand and maybe send prayers my way.. .
dear friends i don't know how to even put my pain in words, or my great loss.
by avishai inright now my cousin, who has'nt even been a dub for years is likely dying because of the blood issue.
she signed no blood stuff likely due to her parents and a likely hlc member, jim rife.
she signed it apparently in a drugged or severely stressed state right before they put her into an incuced coma.
Mormons celebrate 200 years
by oldflame injoseph smith founded the church in 1830, 10 years after he claimed to experience a vision of god and jesus in a grove of trees near his family home in palmyra, n.y. he also said an angel named moroni led him to a set of buried gold plates that contained the ancient records of christ's dealings with the inhabitants of the americas.
smith's translation of the plates became known as the book of mormon, the text on which mormons base their religion.. smith's original church had just six members, mostly his family, and only 5,000 copies of the book of mormon were published at first.
he sent out a handful of missionaries.. today mormonism has more than 12 million members half of them outside the united states.