I'm the one who asked the original question. My friend HAS been studying with the same lady, but she did say it was off and on for awhile. The past year or two, she has been attending more meetings, etc...
We had a very interesting conversation about the blood doctrine, and I am sure she was not convinced by her own answers, because she was calling her JW guru's husband and asking him how she should respond. I made some very valid points with their own publication on blood and also read over Acts 15 in context with her, asking her to please show me where it says anything about losing your salvation based on how you respond to the blood doctrine. She could not. Then I just left it alone. The seeds are planted.
I think Blondie hit the nail right on the head. She likes the attention. I don't think she has committed herself all the way, because she is reluctant to give up so much of her time. She has hobbies that require weekend travel. Something she will not be able to do, if she goes in full service. None of her family are JWs. That is a plus. However, she has been dragging her child along to all the meetings. Her husband is working nights, so he doesn't notice all the time she is gone. When he starts working days again, I have a feeling the poop will hit the fan and he will want her to stop being gone so much. It may be her way out.
My husband tends to agree with you, that she is not totally convinced by "something". When I asked if she would seriously let her child die rather than allow a blood transfusion, she gave me several different scenarios: a.) she would sacrifice her own resurrection in order to give him the transfusion.
b.) she has an "out", because her husband would never allow that to happen.
c.) in a few more years it will be up to her son, and he will be able to make his own choice in the matter.
Yet, she stated that she would not accept one for herself, no matter what. Since she was so wishy-washy on how she would handle a blood transfusion with her son, I figured it might be a good place to ask questions. She tried to drag me into other areas, but I managed to keep her on topic. She knew her answers were flimsy, but I didn't get sarcastic or try to "teach" her anything. I just kept asking questions, then when I felt her getting defensive, I just shrugged it off and let it go. I thought she might not talk to me for awhile, but she has been closer to me since then, actually! That topic has never came up again. I know it made her think, though. She was giving me all the answers straight out of the "resoning away the scriptures" book. The question I asked were not in there! She was really scrambling. She had no idea that they allowed certain blood fractions. Having worked in the medical field, she knew how blood is separated into those fractions. I'm sure it is in the back of her mind.
This is a subject that she brought up....she was talking about "some other religion" that says oral sex is forbidden. She went on to tell me that she searched the Bible and couldn't find proof of that and that she also talked to her JW study partners and they couldn't find anything about it either. I was really dumb-founded, because the JW couple who studied with us made that a point right off the bat. No oral sex. Don't they all believe the same thing? Or do you think she was fighing to see what I thought?
These posts are great and very helpful! Thanks for passing along so much wonderful knowledge and hope. I know it is not going to be easy, but I have faith that God is leading her out of the WTS. It will happen in His good timing.