Happily disassociated since the year 2000...I don't even remember what month it was that I mailed my letter. I had a copy of it on my computer but lose it due to a crash.
JoinedPosts by Grammy
Comments and questions that came to mind while on "the" site.
by bite me inunlike another post of someone trying to trick us into looking at the watchtower.org i am not doing that, i have an honest question regarding something that was on the site.
i was actually looking up missing verses and other information.
doing a little research of my own if you'd want to call it that.
Matthew Chapter 2 verses 9-12
Notice verse 11
9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the eastwent ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
Where have you turned to?
by Robert7 ini am very curious, since i am myself trying to figure out where to turn to, if anywhwere.
(i am still debating if i am truly an atheist at heart and religion in general turns me off at least as of now) where have you turned to since you left the wt?
i would imagine that many people who became witnesses had spiritual needs (which is ironic why i am feeling atheist, lol) but have you gone to other churches, stopped going to church, become atheist, etc?
I have turned away from religion all together, my reason for doing so is....due to extensive reading on several subjects and watching several programs on the History channel concerning the bible, bible lands, early church history etc.
I have concluded that if the bible is true and it describes god correctly....he is not someone I would want to associate with much less worship.
And...The Race Is On
by WTWizard inwe know that the last week of december is always the one that they want people to make sure to be at the kingdumb hell.
because that is the week where, at the circus meeting, they announce the venue of the grand boasting session for the summer.. every year, they have a sealed envelope containing those details in a letter, with explicit instructions to not read it until that circus meeting.
this year, it will be the week of december 31, probably putting it either january 1 (crappy new year for them) or january 3. on that day, they have instructions that they should attend the circus meeting for sure.
I'm so happy I don't have to endure that anymore
Watchtower Farms plans millions in expansion
by Grammy inwatchtower farms plans millions in expansionhttp://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20071129/news/711290360
One poster left this comment
The first thing that I thought of when I read this article was the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas. Whatever happened to those folks?
Watchtower Farms plans millions in expansion
by Grammy inwatchtower farms plans millions in expansionhttp://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20071129/news/711290360
Watchtower Farms plans millions in expansion http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071129/NEWS/711290360
Gail Bethea-Jackson -- doctor, as claimed by Watchtower?
by Fatfreek ingail bethea-jackson -- doctor, as claimed by watchtower?
re: my thread, letter to nbc about watchtower's rebuttal .
in the above thread, there is some reason to believe (thanks to vm44) that bethea-jackson is not, in fact, the doctor as claimed on the official watchtower site which airs her video.
NO, she is not a Doctor she is a social worker.
Copied from the web site... http://www.pathfinderproject.org/pathfoudinfo.htm Ms. Jackson is a clinical social worker specializing in the area of victimization with an advanced certificate in child and adolescent psychotherapy from the Washington School of Psychiatry. She is currently the Director of a private practice in Maryland specializing in victims of abuse as well as adolescent issues. She is a consultant to Prince George’s County Social Services Sexual Abuse Unit, and was consultant to Prince George's Family Preservation Unit; The Family Connection until its closing in 1999. She was also the organizer of the Maryland Chapter for APSAC, (American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children).
When You Left The "Truth" Did You Have Any 2nd Thoughts?
by minimus inwere you 100% sure that your decision was correct?.
Were you 100% sure that your decision was correct?
Yes I was, and now 6 years later I am even more positive I made the correct decision! I just wish I had done it sooner...better yet that I had never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses!
Official 1970 New World Translation Revisions
by drew sagan ini'm putting this up for another jwd user.
it is a "listing of outstanding word changes in the 1970 revised bible" (nwt).
i believe this came out of the back of the nwt with the green cover.
Got it finally Thank you Drew Sagan!
It's very much appreciated.
Be honest, Do you really Enjoy Christmas?
by BluesBrother indansk's christmas tree thread got me to thinking .. in this house we do not celebrate since my wife is still a die hard dub.
i have no complaints about that, it was our joint choice for decades and i an the one that changed .but as witnesses we were always given the negative view of the holiday time :-.
"people feel that they just have to do it although they do not really want to".
Yes, I have always loved Christmas and I really missed it while a JW. To me it was never about anything except a time to spend happy times with family and friends having good food, listening to good music and sharing gifts....religion was not involved in it for me. We never go overboard with the gifts or go in debt to buy them, often times gifts are hand made and home baked special things or something the person really wanted and could use that did not cost a great deal of money with the exception of a few special toys for the little ones. Now I have two precious great grandchildren and I have lost two of my three sons to death and spending time with my family means more than it ever has before. Grammy Sandi