Good for you Lunar you are so lucky to have heard 'rumors' first. This is what I'm curious about: how did you hear and what was it, before using internet for researching all the dirt on jw's?
well you see what happened was i was having my usual study and i asked how jw started .so the sister said that charles taze russell started it after jehovah guided him (of course).she told me that jws used to be called russellites and said i could look at the jw disc for the pc for info if i wanted but not to bother with the internet as people who are against jws put lies there.
something in my head just clicked and i was instantly suspicious after all if jw is the true religion, the internet couldnt put me off! why did she impress upon me not to look at the internet for info.i felt she made a too strong opinion on it.(it was the way she said it).
so my curiosity got the better of me and i looked .also i had been advised by my family who didnt want me to study to look outside the organization for info about it .but i didnt listen (unfortunately).
I dont know why but i was compelled to look and came across allsorts of sites.and that led me here .I am so glad my intuition kicked in and i just felt the need to look at the internet and boy did i get a shock when i found out all the real "truth" about them.
and I am so glad that i did find out.
anyway thats how i came to find this forum.