As an active JW I was so conditioned to believe that everything we said was the truth, even if part of it was a lie.
That being said, I believe that most witnesses don't fully realize what they truly tell people at times.
when i showed my daughter a story of an old man who was df'd and shunned for asking questions about w.t.
doctrine, she said "he must have had a big sin".
so, this is what my daughter is being taught, that you have to have a "big sin" to be disfellowshipped and shunned.
As an active JW I was so conditioned to believe that everything we said was the truth, even if part of it was a lie.
That being said, I believe that most witnesses don't fully realize what they truly tell people at times.
i was just wondering how many here are from california, i noticed several and just wanted to see how many of us there are.. .
I'm from SoCal, Los Angeles County
if someone showed up at your door broke down from being shunned?
would you take them in?
kick them out?
My decision wouldn't be based on the fact that this person is df'd or da'd. I would make my decision based on the circumstances of this person. Would I take in a convict? probably not.
Most other circumstances I would help the person out.
all i know is that jesus said to get baptized.
he didn't say in what religion though.. although i don't go to meetings anymore and don't plan on going anymore, i'm still glad that i was baptized.
I consider my baptism to the watchtower corp an embarassment.
It feels as though I signed my soul over to the devil.
In retrospect I shouldn't have done it.
i knew brothers who would not allow a television in thier house.
you were lucky if you were around any that listened to music.
we would jokingly among older ones talk of going out and pulling our earth wind & fire albums out and taking them for a spin.
I avoided those gatherings like the plague, however I'll never forget a day I went out preaching. We finished morning service, and were waiting around for the other groups so that we could
make arrangements for the afternoon. Some of us wanted to run home real quick for lunch but two self righteous 'pioneer' sisters insisted that we stay and sing kingdom melodies using
the piano. After 30 seconds of singing, I felt like puking. Needless to say I didn't go preaching that afternoon, I had enough for that day.
are there jws who prepare for the tribulations they assume are around the corner?
when i visted the us once in 1999 i met a few guys who were expecting a global meltdown due to the millenium bug.. as a consequence they had generators, guns, ammo, tins of food, bottled water, fuel, all kinds of stuff to help them through a civil disorder situation.
does anyone know or remember any jws who have prepared like this?
For most of his life, my grandfather stored food, water, and other various supplies inside a 'secret' room in his house. Ofcourse when we all talked about it, we put a sarcastic emphasis on 'secret room' as we said it cuz in reality, everyone knew about it. Grandpa even had an illegal underground tank full of gasoline. Though gasoline does go bad after time, we started pumping it out and using it in our own vehicles. When the tank was empty we dug it up and disposed of it properly. I think Grandpa has finally mellowed out a bit and realized there's not point to his 'secret room' He's old and will die before any potential breakdown of civilization.
i notice that so many at the hall have these vague, chronic diseases or afflictions that make it hard for them to go to all the meetings or out in regular service.
some get all sorts of sinus problems.
others have chronic fatigue.. did these clear up after you left, indicating that in many instances these were psychosomatic?.
As an active JW I was always dealing with depression and taking Zoloft.
As an Inactive JW I am extremely happy now, I no longer take meds and my self esteem is at a healthy level.
letter read from rbc - they are looking for elders (ideally with construction experience) to spend 3 months or more down in new orleans - for oversight and construction.
having children and family is not a barrier.
main probelm is combatting and eradicating mould.
You're absolutely right Saoirse,
It's best to just tear it all down and start over considering how bad the flood is.
Yeah, they won't listen to you, you're just a girl. But don't feel bad, they don't listen to the boys either. If anyone speaks up with a suggestion we are promply DF'D for apostacy.
I mean, how dare we offer a better suggestion that is contrary to the WT?
when you made a well though out post, and you accidently go back a page and lose it???.
arghhhh..... well, i might as well waste a topic on fluff.. what do you hate?
Hey Pete,
I must say I love this DB.
Dad was an elder/pioneer and he slowly drifted and is inactive,, he won't discuss it but I've been told he was very upset regarding some judicial committees he was involved with where dad disagreed with the elder body. Years later at least one of the elders invovled admitted that dad was completely right and the rest of the elder body was just following the rules even though it was obviously wrong.
Anways, my dad is the type of person that won't even drive faster than the speed limit let alone do anything wrong.
The rest of the family? Well, we're all just like anyone else of the 'world' BTW I'm inactive by WBTS standards, but I'm active in god's eyes and that's all that matters to me.
I have a huge family, probably 100 witnesses,, it gets a bit sickening at times.
when you made a well though out post, and you accidently go back a page and lose it???.
arghhhh..... well, i might as well waste a topic on fluff.. what do you hate?
I love that my inactive jw dad is a better christian and more law abiding person than my active jw family members are.
I hate that those same active jw family members think my dad is evil for not going to meetings.