When I showed my daughter a story of an old man who was df'd and shunned for asking questions about W.T. doctrine, she said "He must have had a big sin". So, this is what my daughter is being taught, that you have to have a "big sin" to be disfellowshipped and shunned.
We all know that once baptized, you will be df'd and shunned for MANY reasons, even for just leaving the cult and not only for "big sins".
So my question is, Do newly baptized j.w.'s KNOW they have to lie and deceive new converts when they start their own study with them in order to draw them into the cult?
If so, how do they justify lying to the new study if they aren't supposed to lie?
If someone (like my daughter who does not like to lie) is told to do this, could it make her realize that she is in fact telling lies?