My dream is to have enough money to rent a bill board located near my old congregation stating the I no longer belong to the jehovah's witness cult.
I think that would be a great disassociation letter.
first off, i'm almost definite somebody else has already posted, asked this question, but i'm too lazy to look right now lol.... about half a year of contemplation, evaluation, and calculation has led up to making this decision, so here it is.. .
because of a multitude of circumstances, i don't believe fading will be an option as i originally thought, and i frankly refuse to waste any more years of my life trying to pretend to believe something i clearly do not, and preserve a connection to people who don't even have the decency to speak to me or befriend me as a fellow human being.
i am alienated as it is- i guess i'm just a weird and shy person, and that will not change anytime soon.. i plan to - in the coming months when the time is right - present a letter of disassociation from the congregation, and the watchtower society.. .
My dream is to have enough money to rent a bill board located near my old congregation stating the I no longer belong to the jehovah's witness cult.
I think that would be a great disassociation letter.
check out the blue box.
of course jehovah's witnesses would adamantly vouch for a serial killer convicted of butchering 13 women.
I agree. We don't know if the ripper simply stated to the judge that he has support from the dubs, or if the dubs actually testified to their position.
i used to call them "cult like" but i do believe they are a "cult".. what's your opinion?.
If you are willing to shun a beloved family member or friend for leaving the group, or commit suicide for the group(blood doctrine) then you are most definitely controlled by the jw cult.
Actually, the blood doctrine can also be classified as murder when it involves parents witholding proper medical care from their children. Not as common in the US due to child protection laws, but still common in other parts of the world. In that case, you would be a worthless, piece of crap human being, in addition to being a jw cult member.
check out the blue box.
of course jehovah's witnesses would adamantly vouch for a serial killer convicted of butchering 13 women.
The witnesses need to advocate for the mentally ill. They are the only ones left that respond favorably to their end of times cult message.
this scripture stands out to me...... 1 cor 1:17-21 for christ dispatched me, not to go baptizing, but to go declaring the good news, not with wisdom of speech, that the torture stake of the christ should not be made useless.. 18 for the speech about the torture stake is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is gods power.
19 for it is written: i will make the wisdom of the wise [men] perish, and the intelligence of the intellectual [men] i will shove aside.
20 where is the wise man?
I don't know about other parts of the U.S. but here in Long Beach, CA I see mormons preaching far more often then I see jws. The jdubs have resorted to standing in front of the local kingdumb hall while holding the latest copies of watchtower and awake over their hearts. One of these days I'll take a pic of them and post it here.
this scripture stands out to me...... 1 cor 1:17-21 for christ dispatched me, not to go baptizing, but to go declaring the good news, not with wisdom of speech, that the torture stake of the christ should not be made useless.. 18 for the speech about the torture stake is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is gods power.
19 for it is written: i will make the wisdom of the wise [men] perish, and the intelligence of the intellectual [men] i will shove aside.
20 where is the wise man?
thoughts that somewhat parallel mine on this subject.
rational thought and rejection of creationism might not automatically place one in a particular stance on every issue, and may result in somewhat odd positions, compared to the stereotypical ones.
I'm an atheist and I would never recommend or consider an abortion for anyone I know, but I am pro choice as I'd rather have legal professionals available to safely perform abortions instead of trying to do it yourself with a coat hanger wire.
this is probably in the wrong section, but i couldn't decide where to put it.
i was raised a jw and i still suffer effects from that kind of upbringing.. anyway, they said they were local community volunteers and they wanted to give me something related to the community.
i didn't open the door but they put a jw tract through it.. i don't think it's right to be so devious about recruitment.
If jw's truly believed their message then they would be completely honest with everyone and they would use every form of media and communication to relay their message.
JW's should be using billboards, tv and radio ads, newspapers etc, that bluntly state all non believers will be destroyed by Jehovah, unless they become a witness and attend the kingdom hall.
If that is what they truly believe, then that is what they should be preaching. They should say it like it is and let the chips fall where they may.
The reality is, jws are embarrassed about their message and their namesake. I doubt that many of them truly believe their message.
If I ever had to return to the witnesses, I would use embarassing methods such as using my vehicle for advertisement. My car would say "Become a JW or die!" "come to the kingdom hall or die by jehovah's hands!"
When at a door I would tell the householder that if he/she didn't become a Jehovah's Witness then my loving god will kill you very soon as armageddon will be here any day now!
Ofcourse, I would use these methods because I know it would make the local dubs look like total quacks.
it's tied, 1 to 1. i'm with the green team over lala boys.
my prediction it'll be celtics in best out of 7..
WAC. Don't you have better things to do, like chasing after some chem trails?
it's tied, 1 to 1. i'm with the green team over lala boys.
my prediction it'll be celtics in best out of 7..