well, Hate, is a pretty stron word.... But since we're talkin' about "ball" sports...
I Hate it all....
But as for "Kinetic Ballet" on Wheels (Skateboardind, BMX, Freestyle BMX, Downhil BMX, etc)... What's there to hate? I mean each and everyone of these people are individuals, that measure themselves against themselves from the year before... They can't blame the coach, or their team, or their tight fitting leatards(sp?)....
I also like Snow Sports, and some other X-Games style sports (Freestyle Motorcross Rocks !!!!)
Ok, now go back to watching your guys tryin' to puppy pile over a ball in tights... LOL
& much Respect to the Fools that took "My" kinda sportz to the next level... Sorry, I'd rather see an individual tryin' to do a "Triple Backflip-Fakie-Frontside-Superman- Land wit -No Hands", than a bunch of guys chasing a ball (boringggg)
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