I guess you are so ignorant that you did not understand what I meant... if you feel proud of being a Christian (whatever that may be) you should under go some serious brain washing reversal. You seem to forget that christianity is behind all the major atrocities commited in human history... you feel proud of following the primitive ideas of deity of nomadic tribes from yesteryears ago...
Do you also stone people like the god of the bible instructed to do to those who dont believe in this CRAP? or do you sleep with your children as your 'god' instructed Lot to do so there can be more believers and progeny? Do you cut the skin of you childrens penis just to meet the requirements? Do you shun anybody that is not a believer in your God? Do you follow his instructions to kill women child men old and young so you show 'respect' and follow his orders? Jesus was a jew after all...
You still carry on with the stupidity that has humanity all messed up.. religion is behind all the problems.. christian or whatnot...
so yes.. at least if you danced naked you wouldnt harm anyone... but by going on perpetuating this beliefs.. you still are part of a bigger problem.. a problem that started many years ago and that ignorant people like yourselves perpetuate... go ahead.. eat 'human flesh and drink human blood" (isnt that what partaking means?) to me that is more savage stupid and offensive than dancing naked around a fire...
maybe a little intoxication will erase the stupidity that permeates your brains!