Cynicus----re-read my comment. I never said Kent said anything about the good ole Senator.
Mmm... why is it then that this same thread shows the following words on my screen and attributes them to you:
Just because Kent posts something, it doesn't mean it's accurate.
So effectively the "something" you mention above is not a referral to a posting about the alleged senator... Apparently you did feel the need for some generic derogatory remark about Kent, which, I must admit, is always good for a few brownie points. Just let me remind you that these kind of simpleton truisms do reciprocate to the same extent.
Besides, I didn't only address you, but I specifically addressed Minimus et al. The latter is an abbreviation for the Latin et alibi, meaning "and others". The others I had in mind where those who deemed it necessary to tell us all that:
Kent Steinhaug or his researcher need [sic] to be more careful.
or the even stronger
Kent must be losing his mind.
Once more I ask, along the lines of my earlier metaphore, let's just keep the lid on the cesspit here. So far it has effectively chased Voyager (aka Sebastian) away from online posting. The contradiction of this net result with the opinions voiced in a quite popular thread started only yesterday, about the higher purpose of this site, couldn't be more poignant.