My understanding is that if Armageddon comes when you are dfed, you are dead. of course there is the standard JW caveat for that "only J can judge".
My dfed brother was committed early this morning to the Psych Ward. it took five visits to emergency and so many more appointments that i cannot list them. Wed night we had to call the police for fear he would hurt someone - the hospital released him- in a Psycotic state that same night. he almost jumped off a bridge.
He is mentally unstable, and drug use has made it worse.
last night he was crying that he wanted to be a jw- which me and my "faded" sister told him is fine if that is what he wants when he is stabalized. Most of our jw family has had little or no contact since he was dfed for the second time at 16 - he is now 26.
he is terrified of being destroyed at Armageddon - when I relayed this to my jw mom she said they DO NOT beleive this. that dfing is merely a type of discipline. i was surprised and said "oh, I didn't know this had changed". but she insisted this was never taught.
I feel nauseous at the thought of going on to their official site to search for their "official belief" - anyone have a quote?
My parents are concerned about him but they are also exhibiting the classic jw signs of "he has hit rock bottom and is coming back" glee.
I suggested to my mom that an elder should be called as he is in no state to try and "work" towards reinstatement and that a baptism at age nine should not be considered valid. she had no idea what I was even saying and was borderline hysterical that I was questioning the congregation.
They are insisting that he was unstable before he was dfed, and that no one could blame the shunning. I replied that yes, he probably was so that the dfing was like pouring peroxide on eczema- you may be trying to help but it will only get worse. They just shut down when their own logic is so faulty.
sorry for the long post, but this is going to get so much more intense, and writing it out helps.
many thanks