this board is ridiculously busy. just wondering if anybody else had thoughts on this.
JoinedPosts by d0rkyd00d
Sex is bad...violence is GOOd. :)
by d0rkyd00d injoelbear brought up a point about something on the sex forum that i've been thinking about for a while, and i'm wondering what the answer to my question is.
dunno if this should be on the relationships forum, but here it is anyways.
why is it such a no-no for kids like myself (i'm 16) to see sex, yet so acceptable for us to see violent movies?
Sex is bad...violence is GOOd. :)
by d0rkyd00d injoelbear brought up a point about something on the sex forum that i've been thinking about for a while, and i'm wondering what the answer to my question is.
dunno if this should be on the relationships forum, but here it is anyways.
why is it such a no-no for kids like myself (i'm 16) to see sex, yet so acceptable for us to see violent movies?
Hi. Joelbear brought up a point about something on the sex forum that i've been thinking about for a while, and i'm wondering what the answer to my question is. Dunno if this should be on the relationships forum, but here it is anyways. Why is it such a no-no for kids like myself (i'm 16) to see sex, yet so acceptable for us to see violent movies? I personally believe violent movies have a much more horrid affect on kids my age and younger, but sex is so taboo. Please, somebody explain to me.
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
Will YOU be the next dead American?
by Nathan Natas ini respectfully request that you take a few moments to read the following article, and i would appreciate hearing your responses.. - - - -.
future widows of america: write your congressman.
by ann coulter.
My thoughts on the subject. The Taliban hates us. Most of the people over in afghanistan hate us. If we attack Afghanistan, they will declare war on us. Basically, things aren't looking pretty for afghanistan.
Everybody says this will be a different kind of war, but what kind of war will it be when everybody from a nation is armed and dangerous, and pissed at the U.S.A. Terrorism does need to be stopped. But it never will be. What to do is a good question.
Let's hope President Bush carries us through this. I am laughing at everybody who laughed at President Bush when he was first elected, including myself, because I think he's doing a hell of a job right now, and has really kept this nation afloat and has joined us all together during this struggle. I am pleased with all of his actions.
Best wishes to you all.
Suicide after convention
by chasson ina french co has died after an attempt to suicide in lyon, this week.. he have made his speech on the convention, and the next morning was found dead by the family where he sleep.. this is a personnal information, no french's newspaper have talked about it.. .
Chasson, just wondering, are you from outta country? where are ya from? Just curious.
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
BIBLE - Inspired Word of God?
by Billygoat ini may be asking a question that's already been addressed on another thread.
if so, kindly redirect me.
i read this post on another thread, which made me ask a question.
What about all the books that weren't included in the Bible? From what i understand, a group of wise men long ago decided to leave out certain books from the Bible for some reason or another. Also, where are the books that are mentioned in the Bible, that we are told to refer to? check this website out. has some neato stuff.
Just got Home/Elder Dad just realized I'm Apostate
by MrMoe inwell, just got back from a big talk with my parents.
i finally let them in on the fact that i question the society.
(dad is an elder and mother has been in it for 67 years since birth.
I don't want to be hostile, or rude in any way, but i'm just curious as to why you are afraid of the elders mrmoe. Remember, they are ONLY people, not the hand of God. They have no authority over you, and don't control you. They are nothings, just like the rest of us on this planet. Only one mind in all the rest of the mix, although a very deceived mind at that. Just wondering WHY you fear these people. They are nothing to be afraid of. They are nothing. (Of course, i understand your father is a different story.)
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
Most hated Rules and Regulations
by Bendrr inthe thread about "clinking" got me to thinking.. what were the rules you hated most?
rules that were just so boneheaded as to be infuriating.. there are so many rules and regulations to follow as a dub.
some rules may not even be able to be referenced in the publications, at least not firmly and clearly.
Man, this really pissed me off. And you know it must have, starting a post off with the word "man". Anyways, i hated the forced conscience bs. i know this doesn't fit this post at all, and my apologies, but this just came to me.
I was skiing with my best friend and his family and then another witness family. Anyways, there was a special coming on tv, called "Street Magician's Secrets Revealed". I told my friend i wanted to watch it and it looked good, when the other family's mom blatantly told me,"We as Christians would not watch that. Magic is not acceptable." This was strike one.
A little later on, we were talking about dreams. I said I read somewhere that a certain dream was supposed to mean something you were subconsciously thinking. Again, i was reminded by her,"We do not interpret dreams as Jehovah's Witnesses." Strike two.
On the way home from the ski trip, she told a ghost story! i mean, what the hell? that was strike three, and i was pissed. Talk about having her head up her ass. I had to hold back my comment:"We as Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in ghosts, and therefore don't tell stories about them you fat bastard." heh heh heh.....
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
letter to the society
by sleepy inhere is a rough version of a letter i intend to send to the society regarding an article in the july 1 2001 watchtower about doubt.. any suggestions on how i can improve the letter?.
also what are the odds on getting in big trouble in sending this?.
dear friend ,.
Before i forget, i have to say did you mean the article Do YOU let doubts destroy your faith. i think there should be a you in there. If not, then may i continuously look like an ass. And i think it's a great letter with good thought provoking questions, one that will be answered with a letter that beats around the bush and answers none of your questions.
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon.
A New Scientific Discovery About J.W.'s
by Mindchild inhi all of you wild and funky people,.
by way of introduction, some two decades ago, i left the jehovahs witness ideology at considerable personal costs, from there went forward to get a quality college education and im now a research scientist at an american university.
a few months ago i, along with a team of international scientists, published a scientific paper that addressed a neural-behavioral discovery i had made many years ago that involved jehovahs witnesses.
ka poo fmem faj isshy? jee kaspif fmem fmeoo? Bakle!
by d0rkyd00d ini know there are not many jw's who post on this server, but if you are lurking, feel free to answer.
these questions are compliments *
I know there are not many jw's who post on this server, but if you are lurking, feel free to answer.
These questions are compliments *
LMAO. i forgot to put the questions on here. whoops. here they are.
1A) Has the Society ever taught anything scripturally incorrect?
1B) Might the Society be teaching anything scripturally incorrect now?
1C) Are Moslems as certain their religion is right as Witnesses are?2A) At Armageddon, will ALL non-Witnesses die? (If not, who lives?)
2B) Do you believe a loving God would kill over 5,000,000,000 people?
2C) Why has the Society said the end is "soon", every day since 1884?3A) Why would a "just" God punish billions for Adam and Eve's error?
3B) Why would a "just" God give all women extra punishment (birth pain)?
3C) If Adam and Eve didn't know evil, why blame them for being fooled?
3D) Why would God insist that Jesus be murdered to cancel out sin?
3E) Jesus taught forgiveness; why couldn't God just forgive us?4A) Do you really believe lions were originally designed to eat grass?
4B) If life is sacred, why is our immune system designed to kill germs?
4C) Where did smallpox and leprosy come from? (Did God create them?)5A) Who besides the Society says the temple was destroyed in 607 BCE?
5B) Why do Witnesses say "Jehovah", when that pronunciation is wrong?
5C) The Bible is full of miracles; does it say why they stopped?