Will YOU be the next dead American?

by Nathan Natas 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I respectfully request that you take a few moments to read the following article, and I would appreciate hearing your responses.

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    By Ann Coulter

    After the World Trade Center was bombed by Islamic fundamentalists in 1993, the country quickly chalked it up to a zany one-time attack and five minutes later decided we were all safe again. We weren't. We aren't now. They will strike again. Perhaps they will wait another eight years. But perhaps not.

    The enemy is in this country right now. And any terrorists who are not already here are free to immigrate. The government has been doing an excellent job rounding up suspects from the last two attacks. But what about the next attack? We thought there was only one murderous Islamic cell in America the last time, too.

    Congress has authority to pass a law tomorrow requiring aliens from suspect countries to leave. As far as the Constitution is concerned, aliens, which is to say non-citizens, are here at this country's pleasure. They have no constitutional right to be here.

    Congress has it within its power to prevent the next attack, but it won't. When the Sears Tower is attacked, the president is assassinated, St. Patrick's Cathedral is vaporized, anthrax is released in the subway systems or Disneyland is nuked, remember: Congress could have stopped it, but didn't.

    Pious invocations of the Japanese internment are absurd. For one thing, those were U.S. citizens. Citizens can't be deported. So far -- thank God -- almost all the mass murderers of Americans have been aliens.

    But even more blindingly obvious: There was no evidence that the attack on Pearl Harbor was staged by Japanese saboteurs living in California. The Japanese internment was a pure land grab implemented by liberal politicians -- President Franklin D. Roosevelt and California Gov. Earl Warren (later the namesake of the infamous Warren Court). The internment was vigorously opposed by J. Edgar Hoover.

    This time, the very nature of the enemy is that they have infiltrated this country and pass themselves off as law-abiding, quiet immigrants. The entire modus operandi of this enemy is to smuggle mass murderers to our shores.

    But the country refuses to respond rationally. Rather, Congress is busily contemplating a series of "anti-terrorism" measures most notable for their utter irrelevance to the threat. What precisely would a national ID card accomplish? The hijackers were in this country legally! A few may have overstayed their visas by a few days -- a minor bureaucratic oversight that they surely would have remedied had they not been about to commit suicide in a monstrous attack.

    Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., has bravely proposed that we take the aggressive step of asking aliens in the country to register periodically with the government so we know where they are. That's already the law in Germany. Several of the hijackers in this attack lived in Hamburg; they obediently complied. The mastermind of the most vicious terrorist attack in the history of the world, Mohammed Atta, was in Florida on a "vocational status" visa (in order to attend flight school). Let's say Atta had registered. Now what, Joe?

    As the entire country has been repeatedly lectured, most Muslims are amazingly peaceful, deeply religious, wouldn't hurt a fly. Indeed, endless invocations of the pacific nature of most Muslims is the only free speech it is safe to engage in these days.

    This is a preposterous irrelevancy. Fine, we get it. The New York Times can rest assured that every last American has now heard the news that not all Muslims are terrorists. That's not the point. Not all Muslims may be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims -- at least all terrorists capable of assembling a murderous plot against America that leaves 7,000 people dead in under two hours.

    How are we to distinguish the peaceful Muslims from the fanatical, homicidal Muslims about to murder thousands of our fellow citizens? Are the good Muslims the ones who live quiet lives, pray a lot and obey the law? So did the architects of Bloody Tuesday's mass murder. Are the peaceful Muslims the
    ones who loudly proclaim their hatred of Osama Bin Laden? Mohammed Atta did that, too.

    The only thing we know about them -- other than that they live among us -- is that they are foreign-born and they are Muslims. The government has been remarkably tight-lipped about precisely how many Muslim visitors we are currently accommodating, but from unofficial estimates, there appear to be more than a million. Even if the attorney general instigated latter-day Palmer raids, it will take years and years to investigate and infiltrate every potential terrorist cell operating on our shores. The investigations should not be conducted while the enemy continues residing here, plotting the next attack.

    It's an extreme measure, but we face an extreme threat. It is suicidal naivete to think we can simply seal off every water supply, air vent, food supply and crop duster from now until the end of time. We cannot search every truck, every passenger, every shopper, every subway, every person entering every building -- every American every day.

    It is impossible to stop Islamic fundamentalists who believe that slaughtering thousands of innocent Americans will send them straight to Allah. All we can do is politely ask aliens from suspect nations to leave -- with the full expectation of readmittance -- while we sort the peace-loving immigrants from the murderous fanatics.

    More benefits of the plan next week, but the beauty part of the Terrorist Deportation Plan can't wait. There will be two fail-safes: (1) Muslim immigrants who agree to spy on the millions of Muslim citizens unaffected by the deportation order can stay; and (2) any Muslim immigrant who gets a U.S. senator to waive his deportation -- by name -- gets to stay.

    This is brutally unfair to the Muslim immigrants who do not want to kill us. But it's not our fault. It is the fault of the terrorists who are using their fellow Muslims as human shields. So far, America's response to a calculating cold-blooded enemy has been to say, "Excuse me, you seem to have dropped your

  • LDH

    Coulter is seriously 'snickers deprived' and jingoist if I ever saw it. (Read thread on 'Racism of American Warmongering.)

    I'm sure she'd be happy if America threw out all aliens, but the fact is we've been recruiting them for decades. So, NO, I won't write my congressman until YOU write your congressman and ask him/her to get rid of all the Timothy McVeighs, BITCH.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Timothy McVeigh was caught and executed. There is no evidence that he was part of a highly organized plan to launch repeated attacks on the citizens of the US. In his twisted mind he imagined that he was attacking the government.

    Osama bin Laden declared a holy war on this country and specifically stated that there was no difference between military and civilian Americans. Our national security agencies have already foiled other planned attacks.

    What is so bad about simply sending these people HOME? I'm not saying lock them up, I'm saying send them HOME. Permit them to re-enter the country AFTER we have satisfied ourselves that they are not associated with a terrorist organization.

  • Seeker

    What jingoistic nonsense. A typically conservative rant (as opposed to the idiocy that would be a typically liberal rant). She wants to destroy America by making it something that it can never be and still be considered America.

    This is brutally unfair to the Muslim immigrants who do not want to kill us. But it's not our fault. It is the fault of the terrorists who are using their fellow Muslims as human shields.

    Last time it was McVeigh. This time it was Muslims. Next time it will be...? Hmm...better send EVERYBODY out of the country and then allow them back one at a time after they have been 'processed.' This is brutally unfair to the Americans who do not want to kill us. But it's not our fault. It is the fault of the terrorists who are using their fellow humans as human shields.

  • LDH
    There is no evidence that he was part of a highly organized plan to launch repeated attacks on the citizens of the US

    I think the families of the loved ones would agree with me; motive matters not. Innocent people were the victims in both attacks.

    [quote]Permit them to re-enter the country AFTER we have satisfied ourselves that they are not associated with a terrorist organization.

    I don't know if you watched 60 Minutes II last night, but a professor from Harvard (?) was on there, she said the tool that terrorists are taking advantage of is that as Americans we don't know our neighbors anymore.

    The terrorist's handbook specifically told these people to live 'in new apartment communities' where people are LESS LIKELY to know their neighbor.

    So it seems, instead of kicking our neighbors out, we should all be trying to get to know our neighbors. YUP. A return to old-fashioned neighborliness would put a dent in these terrorist' cause.

    Not sending them home. DUH Some of these guys were living in Canada and just crossed the border to get here.

    They exploit our weaknesses. Like any good terrorist (Tim McViegh) would do.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If a rabid dog was running loose in your neighborhood, would you bring it milkbones?

    Do you honestly believe that a visit from the welcome wagon will cause these fanatics to reveal themselves?

    "Gee... uh, thanks for the meatloaf. I'm a terrorist, you know, and I feel really bad about it now."

    I agree with Ann's statement that not all Muslims are terrorists but in this case, all terrorists are Muslims. Two weeks have passed, and the Muslim community in America has been pretty quiet about condemning the attack. They have, on the other hand, been very quick to mobilize for reporting incidents when they were viewed askance.

    Boo Hoo, cry me a river. I have 7,000 dead neighbors to morn, and they were killed by Muslims.

    I think your solution - Tupperware parties - will fall a bit short of the mark.

  • joelbear

    My thoughts are similar to Seeker's.

    After 2 weeks of thinking about this, my conclusion is that the hijackings were criminal acts not acts of war. The people who did it were not soldiers they were criminals. These criminals happened to be Muslims, but there are criminal elements in all parts of society.

    The next attack could be by blacks, christian white supremicists, even gay activists. I know some real nut cases among the extreme left. Criminal acts of terrorism happen every day in every country of the world. This one stunned us because of the location and the magnitude. Some nut in Switzerland killed 14 people today because he was mad at his local government.

    Any mall, any plane, any road, any place, this could happen. Its the law of averages, when there are 6 billion people around a certain percentage of them are going to be deluded enough to murder.



  • Seeker
    I agree with Ann's statement that not all Muslims are terrorists but in this case, all terrorists are Muslims.

    And you know this how?

    Two weeks have passed, and the Muslim community in America has been pretty quiet about condemning the attack.

    They most certainly have not! I've heard interviews practically every day from them condemning the attacks.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "Jihad" means holy war, not holy crime. Osama declared war.

    Why don't we just take him at his word?

    Tell me what is America, that requires it to meekly accept the murder of its citizens?

    When America is gone, who will be America then?

    No doubt about it, there will be other unrelated attacks that have nothing to do with foreign conspiracies to destroy our country. There will also be more Muslim terrorist attacks, and more attempted attacks, until we either recognize the true nature of the threat, surrender to chaos, or die.

  • LDH1

    Nathan I should have made it clearer--I'm not advocating Tupperware parties--ha ha don't be funny.

    What I'm saying is these terrorists have a handbook that teaches them how to exploit the weaknesses of American Society and this was mentioned on several occasions in the book.

    You and I both know neither Brinks nor ADP sells the best home security system--the best one is that nosy little old lady who watches everything.

    Many Americans want to know 'what can I do to help?' This is one clear weakness that we CAN do something about.

    Also, these boys have been instructed to rent Apartments in 'new complexes' where 'people don't know one another.' Why not require three letters of reference, and especially if they are an alien, from three US citizens?

    We can't prevent these tragedies, but I think there is a lot we can do to make it more difficult for these terrorists.

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