Naturally, my comments presuppose an existence of a supernatural God who exists in a spiritual or non-physical existence, outside of what is encompassed by the physical universe.
Hello. Sorry, but there is no need for a "spiritual" or "non-physical" existence. This is nonsense. I believe in God too. I`m NO atheist! What I believe, is the fact that we today are not smart enough to grasp the entire nature of the "physics" wherein God is existing, and that is the reason why we go to construct a "non-physical realm", a "heaven", or whatever... Time will come and change our understanding. Same will happen with the meaning and intension of the Tetragrammaton "JHWH".
If one believes or assumes that, then it is easy to see that God exists outside of not only the physical dimensions of space but also outside of time itself. His existence is not tied to the physical universe at all and thus he could exist, in his spiritual realm, prior to any beginning (assuming that particular model) of both space and time i.e., the Big Bang. Such a paradigm supports the idea that He created the physical universe and that he has always existed and will always exist.
It is simple: If one assumes he exists outside of time itself (e.g. before the "big bang"), then the image of a "personal" God had to change. (For reasons of mathematical logic! Yes, indeed!). Note, and let’s put on our thinking caps;-): BEFORE a big bang, there was no TIME (physical verifiably!), and IF God is existing in a "sphere" wherein no TIME exists, then this "sphere" had to consist of pure mathematical axioms! In this case, God is existing in form of a mathematical and/or logical axiom! And - don`t be angry, please: Even this possibility does NOT disagree with the bible. They never described, how a "spiritual" entity has to look like, or what sort of suggestion we should have of a "spiritual entity".
That is the reason why I am very angry about all pictures and images of "spiritual entities" in some magazines, e.g. angels, Jesus Christ, the 144000 in heavens realm, of even of God himself. The bible condemns that, as you know.