I wish for you everything I have in my own relationship now going on 18 years. We met at 15 married at 19 were co dependant for about 10 years (while still witlesses) Now we have even more joy and love in our marriage and are able to have our individual lives as well as being a soft place to fall for our "other half'. Its an awesome ride and communication is the key. Congratulations.
JoinedPosts by Aphrodite
Saw somethin really cool last weekend, take a peek. Zanex Engagement Pic
by wanderlustguy ini have a friend here that recently became engaged, and i was priviledged to be present for the event and took pictures for them.
i am posting this particular picture for a few reasons.... for the couple, i hope the future holds as much beauty as this place we call home.
i hope you are always able to look towards it together, as a team.
Tell me about the weirdos in your congro.
by karter inwe had a guy who used to bang on about natural remedies.. at the doors and meetings he would tell everyone what was wrong with them and what to take to remedy it he even told the brothers of for sell coke at the assemblies.. however there was know remedy for his mental health apart from that he was a fat little porker who looked like you could grow spuds on his teeth and washing wasnt big on his agenda last i heard he joined scientology.. we had 4 sisters in the congro pregnant one nut case confessed to the elders he was father to all of them.. one sister used to attack the po's wife in the kh then stand up through the meeting and abuse at the speaker after that they would call the sike team it wasnt uncommon for her to go door to door at midnight.. last i heard she became a counsellor..
At one hall I was in there was a horrible "brother" who would go up to the sisters, sniff really loud and long and say "I know when you have your period, I can smell it." He would also say things like "I can see your nipples through that blouse and it arouses me, please don't wear it any more." He was apparently quite sane, just weird and a sicko.
Another guy used to come to the meetings, he was df'd and everyone said he had deminz. One meeting he walked in and stood up the back, as he was standing there the glass book stand part of the podium fell down and smashed. He then walked out the door. Everyone said the demons made the podium fall. We were really scared but I remember thinking, how did the demons make things happen in Jehovahs house?
I am looking for you cousin.. !
by Cc81 ini have missed you horribly over the years.
you were more like my big brother than my cousin.
i was a child.
I am looking for you cousin.. !
by Cc81 ini have missed you horribly over the years.
you were more like my big brother than my cousin.
i was a child.
Australians have multiple personality syndrome!
by jefferywhat inthis may be why we are all getting suspicious!!
http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/sc0711/s00082.htm .
key findings the symantec identity survey .
Wow, I feel like an impulsive ass...
by Mincan inokay, so i'm talking to my friend on the phone, and i mention to her that i'm going to be asking my pyshiatrist for dexedrine next time i see him.
(i think i mentioned this intention other times, anyway, dexedrine is a brand name for the isolated d-isomer of amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, and it is marketed to treat adhd.
it was actually the first such stimulant to be marketed for this purpose, before ritalin and all the others.
This will help us understand where other's are coming from (hopefully!)
by Mincan ineveryone should take this test and post their results.. everyone has a direction to their flow of energy, a way of gathering information, a way of coming to decisions, and a way that they live their day-to-day life.
put your preferences together and you are either introverted/extroverted, sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving.
everyone will fit into one of these 16 categories you can thus create.
Have You Ever Been Stalked?
by eclipse ini am not refering to the elders staking out a house to see if you're in there alone with another person who isn't your mate.. .
i am talking about 'regular stalkers' who stalk you for the obsessive psychological reason of needing to be near you physically.. ever been followed?.
ever had the feeling someone was looking through your windows?.
Wow, I feel like an impulsive ass...
by Mincan inokay, so i'm talking to my friend on the phone, and i mention to her that i'm going to be asking my pyshiatrist for dexedrine next time i see him.
(i think i mentioned this intention other times, anyway, dexedrine is a brand name for the isolated d-isomer of amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, and it is marketed to treat adhd.
it was actually the first such stimulant to be marketed for this purpose, before ritalin and all the others.
Everything is relative babe. Some of us find it harder to deal with the relativity of life.
Some people only deal in absolutes, they are usually the people who condemn others. (by some people I am refering to A guest and the other one)
I want to give you a hug and tell you it'll be ok, but really I don't know if it will be. That kinda sucks. Just know, there are lots of people who think and feel and see life the same way you do. You're not a bad person. Relatively you are a good person. You might not be the greatest most functional prson in todays society, but there IS a way you can live and function and survive and be proud of yourself. That might not measure up to someone elses standards, fcuk them, its your standards that matter.
Hugs and warm love
The Father of the Watchtower Society
by Honesty indo you think jehovah is the father of the watchtower society?