Hi Country Girl,
I am fairly new here within the last week or so, but your post interested me. Since leaving the JWs I too consider myself a born again Christian, but I don't always say that phrase. It turns a lot of people off because of people like Pat Robertson and Bush who wear their "christianity" like some kind of political flag. That totally turns me off too, it embarrasses me and I don't want to be connected to that type of christianity at all.
For me, being born again meant turning everything over to Christ, my sin, my problems, everything and realizing that I could never pay for my sins or do enough to save myself, I knew it was only through him, not my own efforts. I had a complete change in authority, my authority used to be the Watchtower Org, now my authority is Christ. It was very freeing and gave me a peace like I never knew as a JW. When I was a JW, I always felt like I was never good enough, like I could never do enough, be perfect enough to satisfy their God that "they" have made. None of them are good enough, most JWs feel condemmed, that is why so many are so depressed, I was one of them. I was always terrified of Armaggedon because I never thought I would be good enough to make it through it. And if I did make it through, I started getting more and more depressed about being a JW forever. It sounded alot like slavery, it certainly didn't sound like heaven on earth when you really thought about it. I used to think about a world full of kingdom halls, with all of the elders being "princes" when most of them were so cold and arrogant. And of course, there is the huge mess we would all have to clean up and the birds would have to eat all the dead bodies. It sounded more like hell on earth to me the more I thought about it. But I am rambling, sorry. Anyway, to me being born again is a faith that doesn't leave you, it is a spiritual birth, it is not a religion. It is feeling like Christ is with you and in your soul, which is very hard to explain to anyone that has not experienced this. And one of the evidences of this birth is love for your fellow man and reaching out and really loving people like Christ did, unconditionally. I did not see this type of love in the Watchtower, I did not see that self sacrificing type of love or that unconditional type of love so I started to see that they were not really followers of Jesus. I have seen that in many people outside of the organization though, people the organization would call "worldy". I would want them as friends any day.