What the HELL is WORK?
And if it's really good stuff, can I have some?
* D8TA, 32 yrs. old and retired in Brazil with lotsa moolah, thanks to Dot.com era. and a dead family member.
yeah... i do it all the time... sitting at work... but instead of working i'm reading and posting here.. anyone else guilty of this?
but not according to me.. for the number of jws still going strong the ones here is but a handful, so mabye most of you are just pitiful whiners who should accept a little personal responsibility for your lives and quit trying so hard to blame someone or something.
northern girl.. .
and is the following reasonable?you have the right to do anything you want on this board ... it would be 'nice' if the name didn't say 'forum for jehovah's witnesses' though.
I like wine.
I like cheese with my wine.
I like pouring wine on some girl's body then licking....oh wat.....personal.
But I do like wine with a nice broiled steak.
Why don't they serve wine at Baseball games? They sell it here at Futbol games (Brazil).
Why complain about wine?
yep - she's really cute too!.
so after meeting her, i'm thinking back to when i was 17 and had my first real love.
he was "worldly" .
I wanna "girlfriend".
it worries me when i hear of governments discussing jws in their countries with the thoughts of banning them!
i disagree with banning them.
they are a determined people who will suffer greatly for their fanaticism, i think they should be closely monitored but not banned.
Though the great personal harm that the WTBTS has given me....I have to say that banning them would be a mistake. Everyone is entitled to their belief....and though I and many have had great harm from such organization....perhaps there's a purpose to it's existence. Perhaps not. In a way, though I'm pissed at it, I'm kind of greatful for it. For there would be many roads in which I would of never trekked, nor question asked....had it been for their deceptive ways.
please provide proof that elders are not appointed by holy spirit or are especially giftd with more holy spirit than anyone else.
1) Nobody has a the slightest idea of what the hell the Bible has to say. Nor can they agree upon such. So that makes pretty much anybody an "expert" as to what it has to say, and anybody can conclude as to what & how to apply such personal translation to their personal lives.
2) These so-called Elders are "human".
3) My dick is bigger than theirs.
check this out..one religious organization which enjoys the un's imprimatur is share international, a un-affiliated non-governmental organization whose monthly journal is published with the assistance of the un department of public information.
ngo eh ?
I also once believed in World Wide U.N. New World Order Conspiracies....but then I put the Mother Goose/Brothers Grimm book down and realized that: Even though there are people who wish and think of such, it's neither possible nor plausible to achieve such. Sure, a government can lie to it's people....but all the governments and representatives such? No.
I'm sure the U.N. and many other would like a "one world government, religion, or monetary system". If such was acieved, it would last for a short while. It's our nature as humans to dominate. There's always some dickweed who wants to be King of the Hill.
you suck.
i win.
to those born into jwism:
I wish I had the grace and vocabulary....the very tools and/or skills in which could really explain what I will say here:
In MY life, of only 32 years of age...knowing that there is so much to this world (planet), cultures, history and etc that I DON'T know., with what I do KNOW I've come to realize:
That the reality in which we (you and I as humans) have, is sculpted by what has come before. Religion, customs, culture, laws, society(ies), everythig.....is sculpted and shaped by peopel and their perceptions that have existed before us. Be it for survival, dominance, superiority, what ever....there is an undeniable fact: The perceptions that we have is dictated with the knowlege in which we as a race of humans possess so far.
God? Does he/she/it exist? I don't know. Day by day, there's parts of me that see an answer that speaks "no".....then there's that "personal" side that says "perhaps there is a 'God'". But I do know a little secret.
Know what it is?
That NOBODY in this life can dictate how I....Jay Landry....view MY life. Nobody can touch my perception. That there are decisions which I can make....and be responsible for.
There are people who want others to makes decisions for them.
There are people who want to make decisions for themselves.
I don't know if I've had just pure luck with my life. I've had many situations in which many others have had, and they have led to lives of ruin. Drugs, alcohol, suicide, death and/or etc. Man, I look back at my past....I'm am greatful that I had the brains and hear enough to be where I'm at now.
The flip side to my life situation is: The WTBTS had some influence as to my life, and leading me to the direction and place I'm at now. It was an "necessary evil" so to say, if you take my meaning correctly.
Maybe that's what a few of use (or a lot of us) needed eh? That extra push, to set upon a different path for our individual lives. That what, perhaps our friends and family members who are apart of such organiztion, we needed for OUR happiness.
Sure we want the tower to fall. We see the deceptions. But with everything that there is in life? Jeeez, everthing has some sort of "deception" to it....and we can cherish those situations or those few people in our lives you can provide SOME honesty for us.
Sorry....there are some stupid people who will believe anything somebody will tell them. We who have escaped the deception of the WTBTS are the luck few. For our friends and family? Well perhaps the WTBTS is what THEY need to cope with THEIR lives. Everybody is entitled to believe in what and which "lie" they so choose. And such perceptions reach to so many levels....in so many situations....in peoples lives.
Just find YOUR happiness.
Find YOUR peace.
Find YOUR belief.
Let the WTBTS and Witnesses....yah, even our friends & family....have their "belief".
We've already "won", for those who look for "victory"....or wish to see the WTBTS crumble. They no longer have possession of our minds and spirits. We are FREE!!!!!
I mean, honestly....over a hundred years....and this organiztion has only 6 million members out of the 6 BILLION inhabitants of this planet. That's 6 million idiots. Think of the many more idiots in greater numbers that go for greater scams....in the entire history of humanity until now. Jeeeez. Congratulations....guess what? You aren't one of them.
Jeeez. WTBTS....bunch of Has-Been-God-Fearing-We-Have-No-Control-Of-Our-Lives-Lets-Control-Others idiots.
Take your Freedom Ball and run with it.
you suck.
i win.
to those born into jwism:
You suck. I win. 'Nuff said.
To those Born into JWism:
Freedom. Baby, it's attainable!. You CAN FIND IT. Let it all go. Family, friends. Let it go.
You will be happy.
2 peter 2.
22there has befallen them the thing spoken of in the true proverb, the dog turns back to his own vomit, and, the sow is washed only to wallow again in the mire..
i remember when i was going over my baptismal questions the elder spouted off this scripture to me.. looking back at it i wonder how could he be such a moron!
13 years old, and out by 15. WOOHOO!
i wonder what moral stance mr. springer is going to take ?
Mr. Springer probably can't be elected to dog catcher, let alone anything else, but he will receive about a billion dollars worth of media attention.
He...er...uh...actually was the mayor of Cincinnati at one time.