Many people know this man and his history...his life.
Shame on the U.S., once more.
many people know this man and his history...his life.
shame on the u.s., once more..,2933,133095,00.html
Many people know this man and his history...his life.
Shame on the U.S., once more.
Either that or Wonder Woman really let herself go.
Sigh... whatever...I see you haven't left your dubbish need for persecution behind.
I see.
Personal attack? Or do you have something to counter the multitude of links from various sources ( left, right, in the middle, ...crazy ). Respond with intelligence, your extremism leads you to one sentence flames. Shows a simple mind.
I did not state anything about "I" being persecuted. Perhaps you still have your JW-Glasses and Horse-Bit? You still exist within the box and system.
But I don't understand what good it does to stand at a distance and say "see I told you so"
No good...No bad.
Entropy. Be it in nature or social-political areas is unavoidable. All systems break down...and build back up.
You've read in your history classes about great Empires of the past and how they crumble. Sometimes a quick death on the sword or other times a slow painful demise due to some internal virus. Is this the moment in time when history books ( data crystals, chips? ) will target the moment the mighty U.S. of A. descended and gave way to say...China, Euro-Union, or a future Neo-Islamic or Unified Mid-East power? Who's to say. But we are living in a pivotal moment in history.
Rich get richer, poor get poorer. Story repeats itself for thousands of years. Left hand blames the Right hand and the Right hand blames the Left hand...all the while the body is dying and neither hand is doing anything to help preserve the life in which the body gives. Then you have all the individual fingers with their interests, trying to grab power and control from the big apple pie.
Democracy and Liberty are dying and NBA walk outs and missing wives are the story of the day.
Try to change or protest the system and they lock you up. Watch what you say, how you say, where you say...or you will be labled.
What can you do now? Nothing. There was time to patch it up...maybe to U.S.A. ver. 9.0, but sometimes the virus just forces you to go with a new machine.
With the current path the U.S. is taking, and the way other nations are emerging and growing, things will only get more tense and violent...because one day that new regime will go to far and common folk will be forced to rise up. Maybe one day when SUVs and NFL football is no longer available...seems to be the priorities of the day.
Perhaps not.
Now search more, read, make up your own mind:
Well, time to go have a beer on the beach and discuss whatever with whomever with what words I choose...without anybody comprimising my basic liberties or spying on me because I have an opinion that doesn't support current U.S. policy or such.
Oh...yah, one thing? Let's see what 4 more years of damage will do to you.
The Nova Roma emerges and the citizens of an Empire still cower in fear. Home of the Brave? I think not. Home of the Fools Who Sacrificed Liberty for a False Sense of Security.
still alive and having fun in aracaju (the kentucky of) brasil.
here are some pics of minha novia.
we will be getting married in a court first (in about 2 -4 weeks depending which window of opportunity with the court opens first), because i am an estrangerio or foriegner.
Still alive and having fun in Aracaju (the Kentucky of) Brasil. Here are some pics of minha novia. We will be getting married in a court first (in about 2 -4 weeks depending which window of opportunity with the court opens first), because I am an ¨estrangerio¨ or foriegner. Then we have our big wedding in a very beautiful town called Simao Dias. It is a small farming community, and has this perfect church which is absolutely wonderful to host a wedding.
She has a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge family. Here: Think of a stereotypical Latin American family with so many members you can´t even count them....and then multiply this effect in your imagination 100 times over. Crimeny....big! BIG! Very welcoming though. It could of gone wrong, because I live in a very conservative state in Brasil. Here in the State of Sergipe, people are not so receptive as to a daughter of the community marrying an outsider. But, things went pretty smoothly and all is well (knock on wood) with the community and family.
One of the happiest things about this is: a wedding IN A CHURCH!!! Yah, complete with christian paintings and crucifixes...and and...statues of Mary and all the Saints...a bride in a flowing white dress and people singing those hyms and stuff..the whoooole shaaaabang! My God! Finally a sense of normality in life! And I don´t have to pussy foot around family members who give that look of disgust or superior non-acceptance because I am doing it the way I want to! Finally.
So here we are:
...and my new bride is lucimar ( light of the sea ):.
...and my new bride is Lucimar ( Light of the Sea ):
there wont be any one-shot wonders to bring the mighty dark watchtower crumbling down.
no magic rings to destroy, no torpedoes that are to be launced in some weak spot to make the whole damn thing explode.
there is a way to beat the tower, and already the process of it s destruction has begun.
There wont be any one-shot wonders to bring the mighty Dark Watchtower crumbling down. No magic rings to destroy, no torpedoes that are to be launced in some weak spot to make the whole damn thing explode.
There is a way to beat the Tower, and already the process of it´s destruction has begun. Every member (or considerate) leaves, it´s a victory. Every person who is informed of the decietful nature and prison the WTBTS is and turns their ear from their vile lies, it´s a victory.
Growth has been slowing down and negative numbers are beginning to show. Most of it´s children are leaving, thanks to education and the internet.
Simple things beat the Tower really:
Websites like these.
When somebody leaves and makes a new dream and wish upon a star, and shoots for it.
Living yourlife the way you want.
When two people who have been hurt and find each other and start friendships or a new love begins.
Sure we have family members still in, and that for the most part is a big hurt....but some times, you have to let that go too. There is always the possibility of helping a family member become liberated, but also, there are somethings that never change and you have to let go.
In fact, there has been enough damage done to the Tower´s foundation already that it is weakning. Maybe in our generation or perhaps the next, it will simply fade to a few members. Sure it will most likely be around for awhile, because there is always some fool who is going to buy a bridge.
I defied and beat the tower. The memories and teachings are all forgotten, and I realize one thing, paradise is what you make of it.
My new love, this ocean, the wind in the trees, the sun in my face...and finally peace to be found.
I can´t help but smile and see the similarities of Andy Dufrense character in the Shawshank Redemption in mirror to my own. Zeijuantinaho...
Peace and paradise is where YOU want to find it. Not where somebody tells you where it is and how to get it.
Anybody who knows and reads their Bible and has decided to believe in such, all they have to remember is: ¨Believe that I am the Son of God and Thru Me you will be saved¨.
That is for everybody. How you want to dictate your life around that scripture...well that is up to you. And no matter what people say when they quote disciples or Paul....These are the words from Christ himself. So in a way, nobody is an expert with the Bible. With those words, all you have to do is ¨believe¨. All the rest of what you it the ¨how, what, where, when¨ of it all to your eternal salvation is opinion and frankly for my belief is bullshit. Just believe and live your life. You´re saved...You´re a winner! Now go do something with your life, to whatever your heart dictates!
Some advice? If your heart calls upon you to help people, do it. Be it the needy, or starving, or people who cant afford medical care or don´t have access to these things....just do it. Believe me, it is a hard life...but at the end of the day, you go home knowing you helped a fellow human being whose life is just a bit more difficult than yours. And you can do this anywhere.
After 20 years to this date, that I invented the handle of D8TA, I put this name to well as my typing fingers.
And should you happen to come to Aracaju - Brazil, and take the ferry to the Island of Costa Barra...look for that little beach house, third from the end of the road named Avenida Reiberopolis...and stop by to say hello.
Jay Landry - 1
Game Over.
spirit has six wheels in the dirt!.
ah, the sweet exhilaration of achievement!.
Today a machine, soon a man (or woman).
I´ve watched T.V. I know what is going on, give a woman a Voyager and she´ll end up lost on the other side of the galaxy calling home for help.
Then you have the ¨One way to blind a woman is to put a windshield in front of her face¨ imagine putting her at the helm of a space shuttle? My God, the ramifications could be universal! Do remember that part in Star Wars: A New Hope and Return of the Jedi? You know, the big battle station that shot a big green super lazer that was able to destroy an entire planet? Do you know how that immense power of destruction was generated? Nuclear? Fusion? Concentrated Evil?
It was generated by a million women that were driving cars and flying space ships, all colliding with each other at remarkable speeds! And what is so amazing about this, is that science has no longer deemed this as accidental behavior but a complete state of natural and intentional cause!
Remember the part where Ben Kenobi had a ¨ill spell¨ on the Millenium Falcon and Luke asked what was wrong? Remember his reply? Do ya?! ¨I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced¨. Well, the orginal screenplay he really said, ¨Holy Force-Balls, another fricken free-way accident was caused by some chick putting on her make up and a million people had said ´Pay attention to the road @#$%&´¨!
Or she´ll end up wandering away from the ship and discovering Aliens that have acid for blood and love to give people double dentured hickies before flying around with a beehive hair doo in a state of complete undress, with three pairs of breasts.
Now I know playing Femnist is fun, but this is ¨grown up time¨ and you should leave everything to us big boys to screw up and destroy.
* runs away *
when i was a jehovah's witness i believed only 144,000 people were going to heaven, so i am curious about what others feel about heaven.
this question is for those who believe in heaven.
Gandalf: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. There's another path; one that we all must take. The gray rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and it will change to silver glass, and then you see it.
Pippin: See what?
Gandalf: White shores; and beyond them, a far green country under a swift sunrise.