Here is a great take on this "your political views are a cult because you called BS on my leftist views"
All people are victims of cognitive bias, it is inescapable. Cults exploit this natural tendency we all have to an extreme. If you stand back and look at what is really going on in America's political landscape and war of ideology you WILL find the following.
Vast political identity groups, liberal, conservative, independent, libertarian, hybrids and so on. Now out of this great see of identities, you have this leftists "box" that has emerged. Is it different? why is it different? Who is in it?
I would say this box consists of:
- The democratic party leadership as it stands now
- Most celebrities
- 90% of the mainstream news media
- Many university folks, leaders, and students
- SJW's of all sorts
Now I put this together because they stand out as unique. How? Well from any of the groups I mentioned above, liberal, conservative, independent and other, if you step the least bit out of line with anyone (single) of their tenants, you are immediately ostracized and condemned to "right-wing" regardless of your group political identity.
Example 1:
When it comes to gender identity, I am liberal, I will call you by whatever pronoun you wish. However, I will tell you I am not for giving hormones to young children (even as young as toddlers) to transition their gender, I am also not for the government enforcing the use of these pronouns. Now, because i have an opinion that touches a "forbidden" conversation, I am now labeled Right Wing and a bigot. This new leftists box, everyone has to fall in line and check the boxes, there is no freedom of thought or discussion.
Example 2:
You are a Democrat leader, or perhaps a celebrity, you actually reflect internally the exact same scenario as above. But you WILL NEVER SPEAK IT. It doesn't check the box. It's a banned discussion and unspeakable. All ideas must fall in line!
Ok, so here we are, does the same exist outside this? Sure, the ultra-right wing may have a similar authoritarian bias, but they are not running Google and youtube, they are not 90% of the mainstream news media, they are not Hollywood preaching to you, they aren't teaching the future our the country at universities.
All those kicked out of this new BOX, are labeled right wing, regardless of being liberals, conservatives, libertarians, independents, they are just out, They expressed a forbidden thought, or asked a dirty question that can't even be discussed, so disfellowship the apostate. Now this nebulous group outside that leftist box, has all kinds of varying ideas on things that they do not necessarily agree on, but you know what common trait they are sharing? They are willing to discuss them and agree or disagree and continue on. The discussion isn't banned.
So you say on this board, in true lefists basic fashion, "oh you are all just cult members again" just like the news you watch where they try to cram complex issues into a few minutes of yelling down to each other because discussion of facts doesn't sell news.
I make the argument the Cult is this leftist box, it's not thinking for yourself, if you do you will find yourself outside pretty damn quick. You are not allowed. This has become an ideology of censorship and intollerance of any ideas that don't fall in line with its set agenda. Far stricter than anything I currently see from this proclaimed "right wing". There are tons of people out there exchanging ideas, some of them difficult to talk about, like this gender issue, and breaking them down into core principles and discussion, this open discourse is HATED by that left box. There are no "liberal" forums like this existing right now, period. Because the minute you openly have a real discussion, you are marked and shunned. You are no longer considered a liberal, case, and point, Dave Rubin.
I conclude this new PC, SJW, intolerant, things are all black and white, fall in line mentality is the cult mentality. I do not agree with many conservative ideas, some I do, but I see them as a group far more tolerant to simply have a discussion. So instead of your lazy whiny, cult mud slinging, why don't you take a look at that. Where is the shutting down of discussion coming from in this country??? where is the thought policing, that has silenced countless people thoughts and opinions??? Ruined public figures simply for having opposing views???
You my friends may be the ones in the cult