I like how we all jabber on, like we actually know any of these politicians. We don’t know anyone. We don’t really know the presidents of the past, who were supposedly so noble and sophisticated compared to Donald Trump.
Who knows what kind of stupid crap those guys would’ve tweeted, have they been able to do so. Human nature being what it is, there were no politicians who were pure at heart. That’s not even humanly possible. Our human nature is why over countless ages we have developed archetypal heroes and myths that convey moral lessons. It gives us something to reach for amidst all the chaos.
Personally I don’t care for Donald Trump, because he doesn’t seem very humble. I also don’t like all the football stars who dance around in the end zone. I mean, come on, act like you’ve been there before. Have some class.
Whatever we may personally think of politicians in the United States of America, the climate was right for Trump to be elected. Who do we blame for that? Maybe it’s just a gradual dumbing down of people in general? Maybe our modern living has stopped our evolution as a species and our society will spiral into madness?
As a born in Dub, I’ve never been political. I’m not really involved, even to this day. Therefore, I can’t really judge anyone, but it seems that all career Politicians are disingenuous. It seems they justify their behavior by claiming they must operate in the parameters of a broken system.
I’ve personally never heard one politician give a straight answer to anything, or to keep any of their promises, that includes Obama. I’m sick of people saying how awesome Obama was, he lied too.
The only person I would trust in Office is me.