Every time I read a Trump's supporter explanation of what he really meant, it sounds so much like a JW excusing the GB.
"Trump Supporter" is an epithet for the weak minded who try to "win" discussions by trying to morally elevate themselves by making whoever is disagreeing with them seem not as virtuous as them. Its the ultimate "I have no decent point to make so let me hit this straw man" move.
I don't care who the freaking president is, I support policy, the god damn function of the president is not a king, not a dictator, simply someone who is the executive of the peoples office, somewhere along the line you knuckleheads have elevated the person that holds this office to some god-king over the masses. Talk about delusional.
Like if I argue about this immigration thing, Trump has not defined my views on it whatsoever. And I or anyone else who would defend him are usually doing so against a wave of irrational, emotionally charged, crybabies who literally blame this asshole for everything.
Trump does something bad, say its bad, he does something good, you aren't in a cult if you agree. But if he doesn't do anything good or bad, don't lose your sanity trying to make up something bad.
JWS, GB, yea they have negatives we all know pretty well, I am not going to make things up and blame them for every woe in society.
"Trump supporter" can now include someone talking about something he's probably not even talked about, but it doesn't check the leftist dogma checklist. Its forbidden speech, ooooo the unbeliever, lets shame and shun them for not agreeing. Don't know if radical leftism is a cult or not, but the group think is definitely staggering