They may be honest in paying taxes etc, turing in field service time... maybe... but they are not honest with themselves there are 8 million people pent up in a personality that is not them. A handful this may really be them but most are fighting the real version of themselves. I find this dishonest.
Sincere is also not a strong suit, there are those very sincere and in each hall I've been in I have known some amazing sincere good hearted people. I don't credit the org for that. They are just good people who are inside, the majority have a good deal of insincerity of one sort or another. Just look at the modern day dramas at this last years international and I guess regular district convention. They show typical members to be caddy, nosey, critical backstabbing, judgmental, hypocritical @$$holes. People may say well those are people like that in "the world". Yes, they are everywhere but it is not a global phenomenon created by being in this crazy cult. Thats a case by case basis, being a witness pushed you into this thinking, then it has to be discouraged by the org and WT, the cycle goes on and on