How much real Integrity does the average JW have ?

by Phizzy 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    Consider the definition of Integrity given below :

    the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

    "a gentleman of complete integrity"
    synonyms:honestyuprightnessprobityrectitudehonour, honourableness,upstandingness, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals,righteousnessmoralitynobility, high-mindedness, right-mindedness,noble-mindedness, virtuedecency, fairness, scrupulousness,sinceritytruthfulness, trustworthiness "

    I am sure most JW's have some of the qualities suggested by the word Integrity, but do you think , like me, that most of them are not what you would call a "person of complete Integrity" because of what the cult has turned them in to ?

  • freemindfade

    They may be honest in paying taxes etc, turing in field service time... maybe... but they are not honest with themselves there are 8 million people pent up in a personality that is not them. A handful this may really be them but most are fighting the real version of themselves. I find this dishonest. 

    Sincere is also not a strong suit, there are those very sincere and in each hall I've been in I have known some amazing sincere good hearted people. I don't credit the org for that. They are just good people who are inside, the majority have a good deal of insincerity of one sort or another. Just look at the modern day dramas at this last years international and I guess regular district convention. They show typical members to be caddy, nosey, critical backstabbing, judgmental, hypocritical @$$holes. People may say well those are people like that in "the world". Yes, they are everywhere but it is not a global phenomenon created by being in this crazy cult. Thats a case by case basis, being a witness pushed you into this thinking, then it has to be discouraged by the org and WT, the cycle goes on and on

  • _Morpheus
    I think they have tons of integrity. Many would and have died as a result of adhering to the principles...  The problem is its not principles they of themselves came to value for some well thought out reason. Its the principles the cult gave them that they hold as integral to their character and perhaps thats why you dont view them as principled, because its not an individual thing, its a group think.
  • atheist_R_stupid

    HA!! how much integrity do ATHEIST have? FIRST IN LINE to yank a gift at the christmas tree!!! LOL

    Youre talking about jws right? the people in jail for not going to the army around the world? You know, something YOU would certainly join and assist in bombing others?

  • atheist_R_stupid
    the other irony is how the atheists seem to LOVE the matrix, which was 100% religious themed! this shows you men dont even know the bible at all!
  • FayeDunaway

    Actually fremind, my best friends husband is an inactive witness accountant, and he says his (many) witness clients aren't honest with their taxes and try to get away with paying less than they owe all the time.

    do they have true integrity? I think in a cult you can't call it true integrity. Integrity is holding to your own principles, using your own mind, and then being true to that. I agree with Morpheus. This following blindly what other people tell you is weak mindedness.

  • FayeDunaway
    Atheist r stupid.... you might want to add another 's' at the end of atheist to make it plural.
  • DesirousOfChange

    How many JWs have you known to turn down a Christmas Bonus?



  • Phizzy

    Atheists are not a homogenous group. The word simply means someone without god.

    Just as someone who does not play Golf is without Golf in his life.

    Not every Topic on here is to do with the contrast between JW's and Atheists.

    What I am interested in is analysing the quality of the average JW's much-vaunted Integrity, do they still sing a song about Integrity , by the way ?

    Whether the integrity of other groups of humans is of good quality or not is not the purview of this Topic.

  • FayeDunaway
    However, many are really stuck because of family situations, so they TRY to believe, try to make it work. I did this for many years myself. I really don't want to criticize those who do think for themselves but just can't get out of it. It's a huge step and a cruel situation.

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