" Does he have some sort of wierd mojo going on or what?!?! "
Yes, he does.
Edited by - da_luvvin_bruvva on 20 December 2002 6:12:7
its nothing to be ashamed of, is it???
no....its normal...... .
i just have to....then its out in the open...... .
" Does he have some sort of wierd mojo going on or what?!?! "
Yes, he does.
Edited by - da_luvvin_bruvva on 20 December 2002 6:12:7
i have been up watching saturday night fever, made in the year 1977. funny thing i noticed , the club that the tony(john travolta) dances at is called 2001 odessey.
i thought god , i was 10 or 11 when that movie came out.
i wanted to see it so bad, but good jw's would never see such a movie, the disco era right.
Hi LyinEyes
I came out of the dubbery 3 years ago. After 12 years of being 'discouraged/dissuaded' by da luvvin bruvva's not pursuing a career in music, I decided last year to do it!
I bought over 50,000 worth of professional recording equipment and started a career in songwriting and I'm now producing my own tracks in just about every different genre of music you can think of (apart from Kindumb Hell music), but especially dance music.
Now, at the ripe o'l age of 39, I too want to make up for lost and wasted time. I don't believe in the jaydubb philosophy of a worldly paradise anymore, obviously cos its all fantasy fiction, but, I do have a hope, a hope that is set out for all followers of Christ Jesus cos all He wants us to be is the best person we can be.
Go on LyinEyes, fulfil your dreams. Be a nurse, and be the best nurse you could be. Be a 'worldly' wife, and be the best wife you can be to your husband. Be a 'worldly' mother, and be the best mother you can be.
Believe it or not, you are free, free to do want you want to be cos when the Son sets you free, you really are free indeed.
So, Senior Nursing Officer LyinEyes, after a long distinguished career of helping others in the nursing profession, how do you feel at the ripe old age of 70? Hopefully you'll feel as accomplished as I hope to feel about my life.
Do it. Just do it LyinEyes.
I have.
And by the Grace of God, I am now doing all that I can do to realise my full potential. And so can you.
He is there. Ask and you shall receive. After 3 years of researching the WTB&TS, everything we were ever taught by the dubbs that was detrimental about the Christians was something that I found to be completely untrue. This, as well as finding out that most of the JW teachings is a load of rubbish.
Both my wife and I were Baptised as Christians last month with over 20 ex-JW's attending at the Church where we attend. It was a day that made me cry all day long with tears of joy.
Its funny you know, cos at that service, they played my song..........a Christian worship song that I wrote in testimony to my faith in Christ now, and not an organisation.........it was my first, and by no means will it be my last.
I'm gonna keep on writing songs.....God gave me a gift, and I'm gonna use it.
So, like I've said before LyinEyes........DO IT, JUST DO IT.
I did.
Luv, Da Luvvin Bruvva
now you all may laugh at me, but last night about 1am, i wake up to find my bed shaking!!
when i looked around the room the walls were shaking, what was going on???.
now you all may have this happen, but in the uk it is very very rare, we were experiencing our first earthquake in 15 years, well my jw head clicked in, is this armageddon??.
Wotchu mean dubble07?
Not 'afraid' anymore?
today i visited my jw mother and i asked her a question.
i said, "mom if i was to get married would i be disfellowshiped?
" she said "well since you didn't have scriptual grounds for your divorce i would guess that if you went ahead and got married you would be committing adultery.
The Alchemist...........
7 years ago, you left on your own accord, right?
So, if you take a look at the WT media website........ http://www.jw-media.org/beliefs/beliefsfaq.htm
It shows this.....
Do you shun former members?
Those who simply leave the faith are not shunned. If, however, someone unrepentantly practices serious sins, such as drunkenness, stealing, or adultery, he will be disfellowshipped and such an individual is avoided by former fellow-worshipers. Every effort is made to help wrongdoers. But if they are unrepentant, the congregation needs to be protected from their influence. The Bible clearly directs: "Remove the wicked man from among yourselves." (1 Corinthians 5:13) What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah's Witnesses? The spiritual ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings can continue. As for disfellowshipped relatives not living in the same household, Jehovah's Witnesses apply the Bible's counsel: "Quit mixing with them." (1 Corinthians 5:11) Disfellowshipped individuals may continue to attend religious services and, if they wish, they may receive spiritual counsel from the elders with a view to their being restored. They are always welcome to return to the faith if they reject the improper course of conduct for which they were disfellowshipped.
Basically, you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't. Whatever.
hello..........oh dear.. into the lair of the apostates i tread!.........
Hi ScoobySnax
Welcome to da bord!
Da Luvvin Bruvva
i was brought up in "the truth", i have the odd bible study now and again, funny enough the last time was a week after 9/11, as im still subconsciously in fear of armageddon, but i haven fundamental problems with some of their teaching, hence my joy at finding this site.
i also used to think armageddon was coming at the sight of the smallest storm.
has anybody found what they think is "the truth" since coming away?.
Welcome ness21
You, me, and the rest of the luvvin bruvvahood either felt, or still feel that way to some extent.
You want the Truth?.................The whole Truth?.....................The only real Truth?
Read John 14:6
Any questons.........look me up....
i know we all have different feelings, about the people who brought us into this world.
an i will be the first to admit that mine are mixed when it comes to my own mother.
on one hand she was loving and the other she was a stranger who was totally lost in rage.
You're so right.
My mum (mum) is still alive and I spent years in 'rage' with her whilst I was still a dub.
I came out 3 years ago and the longer I was out, the more I discovered that I really do love her.
She broke her back in January this year, spent 3 months in hospital, came out, got a severe dose of Salmonella poisoning, went back in for a month, came out, was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the Liver, went back in for a few weeks, came out, broke her hip and femur (leg), went back in for 3 months and is now finally out.
Seeing her crying every day has really made me realize that we are all so very mortal. The woman that brought me up, fed me, reassured me picked me up when I was down, loved me; is now very very ill.
I don't know how long she's got, but I pray that the Lord will give me more time, and her, just to be good to each other and show that we really do love each other.
I know how you feel and I pray that the Lord will give you peace Xandria.
after posting a reply to another thread i wondered if anyone can answer these questions??.
1. why are sisters not allowed to wear trousers?.
2. when sisters where a skirt why have they got to be below the knee?.
I have it from good authority that there is to be new light on the matter of women wearing trousers.
All sista's will now be able to wear trousers; with the proviso that the trousers only have one leg large enough to go round the whole of your waist, however, you can wear them as long as you like provided it covers your knees.
It would seem that the Glubbering Body has even sanctioned for sista's to have pleats as well! Isn't that luvly?
Oh, one other thing, there should be no problem just as long as you remember not to wear them with pockets.
All sorted.
i've been enjoying scanning bits and pieces of ruth's old 'tower magazines.
many of us will have old copies of the literature lying around, so why not scan something that's particularly meaningful to you?
here's my offering to start the ball rolling.
Stephanus, forgive me for being fik, but, how on earth do you get pictures on here, (this bit/space here that I'm posting on)?
is anyone on this forum either a record producer, or, has a record company/label, or, is associated with music publishing and/or the music industry?.
any country will do.. i know this has got absolutely nothing to do with jaydubbs, but any help would be really, really appreciated.. thanks in advance to anyone that might be able to help.. dlb.
oh, i'd better just mention that the reason for this is that for the 12 years that i was in the dubbery, i was always being 'advised' not to pursue a songwriting career cos it was too 'worldly' and not 'appropriate' for a 'brother reaching out' to get involved in.. so now that i'm out and free, i'm ready to 'rock 'n roll' (well, maybe not so much as r'n'r, but certainly commercial pop, trance, u.s house, euphoria, r&b and dance trax).. and don't it feel goooooooooooooooooooooooood.
But it may do!
Is anyone on this forum either a record producer, or, has a record company/label, or, is associated with music publishing and/or the music industry?
Any country will do.
I know this has got absolutely nothing to do with jaydubbs, but any help would be really, really appreciated.
Thanks in advance to anyone that might be able to help.
Oh, I'd better just mention that the reason for this is that for the 12 years that I was in the dubbery, I was always being 'advised' not to pursue a songwriting career cos it was too 'worldly' and not 'appropriate' for a 'brother reaching out' to get involved in.
So now that I'm out and free, I'm ready to 'rock 'n roll' (well, maybe not so much as r'n'r, but certainly Commercial Pop, Trance, U.S House, Euphoria, R&B and Dance trax).
And don't it feel goooooooooooooooooooooooood.