Got up in the middle of a vomitous Sunday talk and walked out, drove away never to return.
I had recently moved to another state, though, making such a move a bit easier.
by choice, with a little help from the elders, faded slowly, disassociated????
how'd you get out?
Got up in the middle of a vomitous Sunday talk and walked out, drove away never to return.
I had recently moved to another state, though, making such a move a bit easier.
after this past trip to ohio, i have become painfully more aware of how alone i am.
i miss having someone to share my life with.. .
im almost to the point of dating again, yet i have so many obstacles to overcome.. .
I was just going to tell him about making the list!
Beat me to it.
It's great advice, Junction Guy. Be true to yourself. Accept no substitutes accept for what they are but neither waste their time by not explaining that it is casual.
and wanted to share.
all day long on weekends, lunch, breaks and such there are moments that calm me.
silly stuff.
Good gods, woman! You know that old saying, don't quit your day job? Well, when I was reading your posts here, I was like, why is she still working at a mundane job? You should quit your day job! You are an artist in the truest sense of the word (and it helps that you have a brilliant mentor LOL!)
I love to haunt your myspace because you never know what visual candy you're going to be treated to.
When are we all getting together again???
there's no sense of contentment and joy and happiness within the ranks of jehovah's witnesses.
people are miserable.
The Russellites seemed to have a real brotherhood. When Rutherford took over, it went downhill
Minimus! I have said this very thing. It occurred to me when we were reading that wretched big green book on the history of Jehovah's Witnesses. I read between the lines of the propoganda (and also perhaps because I had actually known some old pre-Rutherford witnesses in my early youth), and noted that there was a real change when Rutherford took over. It was a bloodless coup. Witnesses went from simple bible studiers in homes and truth seekers from the bible - Russell actually wrote a book called Food for THINKING Christians (a book that I would have read) to more of a corporate feel. It was a hostile takeover, anyone who didn't like the new corporate feel, the multi-level marketing push (borrowed no doubt from his door to door salesman days) were demonized and apostacized. Thinking Christians, much less questioning Christians were not welcome.
just heard a report on the today show about this new community northwest edge of the everglades which is going to me all catholic.
doesn't rest well with the aclu.. here's a little bit about the place:,_florida.
work at Bethel, and not be a JW? If not, where's the ACLU
Unfortunately (or perhaps not), when it comes to federally protected classes per equal housing, people can discriminate based upon religion when certain criteria are met for said community.
who wants to work at Bethel anyway? I heard the pay is lousy, the food stinks and they don't like guuuurlz.....
I do not know where on this earth you are but wherever it is, I hope you have found some amount of peace; either through a good night's sleep or just breathing in and out. Know that we are here.
we are here
and we care.
When you do not know what else to do, my friend, just breathe. in and out. note how everything, starting with your breath, ebbs and and out. There is a rhythm to all and "bad" shall pass to "good" and "pain" shall pass to "joy", illness to healing...and so on. Always. Whatever God you call upon know that you are resting there with that are a beloved child of the universe, cradled in the bosom of the creator. You are welcome here on this earth. You are needed here on this earth. You have a right to be here.
You are loved.
You are more beloved than your imagination can bear....beyond measure
Should you feel inclined to do so, please let us know that you still walk among us...motley tribe that we are, we do love and care for you.
Love and Light,
i am thinking of disassociating myself within the next two weeks.
did you have a shortlist of people to day goodbye to?.
Sadly, nobody. For all my life in the "Truth", I had no true friends. I had moved hundreds of miles away and simply left. I told my ex-husband I was sorry for the wasted years but other than that, nada.
It was as if my life up to that point (other than the inner growth) was for naught--scorched earth and I spoke of it to NO ONE
while i've never been a prolific contributor here at jwd, some may have noticed my dramatically curtailed participation.
that's because on the evening of saturday, may 19th, i shared a kiss with the woman in the below picture, and that kiss turned into a dramatic and passionate adventure.
one that we're still both enjoying, and that we've decided to continue.... she is the most exciting, loving, fun, smart, sexy and beautiful woman i have ever met.
That is sososo sweet! As you're probably aware, I love a good love story.
May 19th, huh? Well, it's no July 28th 2006 -the day the earth stood still for one Daystar and Brigid and has not been the samea since) but it belongs in the pantheon of Love yet.
May Venus continue to smile upon thee.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #0000cc; } .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style3 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } .style4 {color: #000000} --> when your beliefs are challenged, how do you react?when individuals question or challenge you about your beliefs, how do you react?
as a jehovahs witness, many individuals became touchy when questions directed .
toward the watchtower society did not fit the popular conception, thought or ideal.
I am now free from an agenda--no one need share my "beliefs" to support my fragile, egoic schema. I do not believe in ultimate truth (facts, yes...but even those change with growing scientific discoveries) but Truth? No. So I don't really have any reaction to someone disputing my "beliefs" (such as they are).
I marvel at the sea of ideas and philosophies, especially when it comes to explaining human existence and experience of the Divine (or lack thereof in some people's schema).
This is something I have been thinking about a little here and there. There's really not much that I admire or hate about the religion.
But I have thought that perhaps their "moral" strictness serves some sort of utilitarian purpose in a twisted sort of way:
Lately, I have wondered if being brought up in the structure of the cult (suffocating as it was) helped alleviate some of the potential chaos of the nuclear family into which I was born. Then again, it could have made things worse...I will never know because it simply is what it is. I think that strict religions to stifling cults sometimes "house" souls that may not be quite ready for prime time. Some people need (like toddlers) very very strict supervision and the fear of a punitive sky-daddy to prevent them from hurting themselves and others. They can't just "intuit" some things. When the soul matures, they can become more and more self-regulatory just as when the human grows from infancy to adulthood.
Then again, what do I know?