<<Oh... I'm just a cuddly, widdle teddy bear... for real!>>
Yes, I'm quite certain once you get past the scaley, deadened fleshy exterior with the gaping mouth of death--you're a beautiful human being.
some people's avatars make me smile, others make me think.
there are some that i just love to look at.
here are some of my favorites off the top of my head.
<<Oh... I'm just a cuddly, widdle teddy bear... for real!>>
Yes, I'm quite certain once you get past the scaley, deadened fleshy exterior with the gaping mouth of death--you're a beautiful human being.
there is only one law, love your neighbor as yourself.. very simple words that get buried under lots of gobbledegook.
we strain to rid ourselves of the guilt of the shoulds that were cast upon us throughout our life.. we run our lives based on these shoulds and apply these shoulds to others.. there are two parts to the law.
love your neighbor gets most of the attention.
'an it harm none, do what thou wilt....
or just do what thou wilt.
It takes self knowledge: True knowing of the Self before you can know your true will and nature. When you truly know the Self, then you can love the Self. Live from the Self.
When you love the Self then you can know and love others.
Another fabulous post from joelbear, who obviously does much introspection.
some people's avatars make me smile, others make me think.
there are some that i just love to look at.
here are some of my favorites off the top of my head.
in western esotericism in general, a person is led through a series of initiations including certain rituals and practices, in order to bring a person to a sort of jungian individuation.
it is said that after a certain point, one reaches the abyss.
i will briefly provide some useful definitions of what is meant by this abyss in this context:.
Now here's an interesting post, Daystar! I'm going through a Persephone/Inanna-esque (my personal Jungian Archetypes) journey right now. Probably one of the reasons I've come to the board--kind of a tether to my past and the mundane. Many times I feel my grip on sanity is tenuous at best and yet, I feel more awake and aware than ever before. I do not know what all I'll find on my journey only that I must take it. It's as strong a drive or stronger than any biological drive.
What path are you on, may I ask? Where has it or is taking you? Can you share with a fellow sojourner????
i received my first elder call yesterday.
he wants to talk to me today.
i have never been afraid of the elders but i also have no experience on what they are going to say because i have never ask for their opinion on anything and i have never been accused of anything either so, any ex or current elders here that can brief me about what to expect?.
Wow, it's so hard to even connect to this space again (i.e., where an elder would call and want to meet with you and you'd be all aflutter). Fear is so gone out of my life and it feels great.
I sympathize with you. Be strong. Know that no one has power over you. You are your own person.
set yourself a goal, and try to honor it.. i think i'll be a special pioneer once more in february on jwd .
120 hours of reading and posting on here .
if you can't pioneer, try to be an auxiliary pioneer
Can we also count informal time? Like if I think about logging on? Or if I think of a really cool reply but don't post, can I count it?
I really want to reach out more.
Signing up for duty sir! **Brigid salutes**
Most human institutions are cult-ish and that is not necessarily a bad thing (military, churches, even high pressure sales jobs can become cult-ish). Humans like to group together and share like minded-ness, persuits, and "prayer" or spiritual work. Where this and other super-cult organizations go too far is requiring one to check thier intellect, individual soul at the door. It breaks up families, it suppresses liberty, is harmful to children by and large.
It's mind control and it's soul rape.
i'm curious, when you made your decision to leave the org.
did you do it before or after looking at this kind of internet sites?.
in my case i made my decision without ever looking any of this websites.
I left before I found this and other sites. But this helped me so much to know that I was not nor ever will be alone.
Aquarians are inventors, unpredictable and unconventional. At time, erratic.
The Element associated with Aquarius is Air. Air Signs are intellectual: they tend to respond to the world through intellect, rather than physical action, practicality, or emotion. In Aquarians, intellect manifests itself in their fixed opinions and eagerness to share and discuss them. While people born under Aquarius are tolerant and broad-minded, they tend to stick to their beliefs. Their intellect makes them logical and self-confident, but it may also make them aloof from the people around them. They are original, offbeat, and even eccentric, but they are also rather bored by detail. Reformist and experimental, they may also seem cold toward people who don't share their intellectual orientation to life.
Aquarians tend to have talent in a number of areas, both scientific and creative. They are unique and rebellious people, driven to change the world. They can sometimes be show-offs, but it's usually to draw attention to their causes rather than to themselves. Their freedom is important to them, and they are often driven to help others become free as well.
In their leisure time, people born under Aquarius are social animals. They greatly prefer team sports to solitary athletics, and they often have a fondness for baseball and tennis. In love relationships, Aquarius is flirtatious, not possessive or jealous.
Aquarius rules the ankles. People born under Aquarius may be more susceptible to sprains than people of other Signs. Aquarius's colors are the colors of the Water they carry: turquoise, aqua, and silver.
The great strength of the Aquarius-born is in their visionary nature. They are the people who take the world to the next level; they make people look at things in a different way than before. Their ability to break the rules and move beyond what others think is possible makes them one of the most innovative characters of the Zodiac.
Happy Birthday,
~Brigid (who holds a special place in her heart for Aquarians)
my firstborns son's mother i live with asked me today if i wanted anyone else.. i replied "yes, i want to know every unmarried woman on earth, so i can insure i will never feel like i missed out on something.
i want to find my match, a woman that can convince me to give up my free agent status, and spend forever as her property alone.
she got really mad.
I do have children. I hope they have children of their own someday and so on and so on and so on. Yes, they are a big consideration. That is why I am in a faithful, monogamous (from my standpoint) relationship right now. But I do not let that preclude me from getting to know others. I do not try to stop my husband from opening his soul to others. He has female friends and colleagues who he spends time with and I do as well (male and female). We've agreed that we stay faithful sexually because that is what is best, most respectful to one another and for safety if nothing else. But I do not own his genitals and he does not own mine. Our souls and intellects are free. I do not expect him to be everything to me and I cannot be everything to him. If he gets emotional, intellectual, etc. from other sources whether they be female or male, he is free to do so (as if it were mine to give!). And likewise with me. If one of those relationships for him became sexual and he told me (hopefully beforehand) I would not hate him. I might even stay with him. I don't know. I just don't "own" or feel "owned" by him.
Hard to explain.