Wow, Narkissos! I bow to your obviously superior knowledge on said subject! Where have you done your studying and with whom?
Well, I'm having guests over tonight! You guys have a great weekend!!!!
"for centuries, many people thought of the devil as a horned, cloven-hoofed creature clad in red and using a pitchfork to cast wicked humans into a fiery hell...undoubtedly, however, such misconceptions have caused millions to question the existence of the devil or to think that the term applies only to a principle of evil.
" w06 jan 15 p.21 .
so the fds thinks that people no longer believe in the devil because:
Wow, Narkissos! I bow to your obviously superior knowledge on said subject! Where have you done your studying and with whom?
Well, I'm having guests over tonight! You guys have a great weekend!!!!
"for centuries, many people thought of the devil as a horned, cloven-hoofed creature clad in red and using a pitchfork to cast wicked humans into a fiery hell...undoubtedly, however, such misconceptions have caused millions to question the existence of the devil or to think that the term applies only to a principle of evil.
" w06 jan 15 p.21 .
so the fds thinks that people no longer believe in the devil because:
Aaaah, how I bask in thy approval, my dark master....
"for centuries, many people thought of the devil as a horned, cloven-hoofed creature clad in red and using a pitchfork to cast wicked humans into a fiery hell...undoubtedly, however, such misconceptions have caused millions to question the existence of the devil or to think that the term applies only to a principle of evil.
" w06 jan 15 p.21 .
so the fds thinks that people no longer believe in the devil because:
Here is my two cents for what it's worth. The Christian need to believe that "evil" is incarnate in the Devil is that they spring from a dualistic religious philosophy ala Zoroastrianism (a Persian religion that predates Christianity and rivals Judaism having been born about 3200 years ago). In Zoroastrianism, there is good (the creative spirit) in direct opposition is Angra Mainyu (the hostile spirit). It is the need to see the potential for evil as something they can separate from themselves (i.e., I am not even capable of doing what Hitler did because that potentiality does not exist in me--it exists in "other"). When, in my opinion, the potentiality exists equally in all things--which ultimately are No-thing. Confused? Yea, me too.
Of note, Judaism did not have any reference other than the poetic work of Job (the rabbis, incidentally do NOT take this book literally--they view it as a piece of poetry ala the Odyssey) to a personified Satan. There is, instead, Yetzer Ha Ra (the evil inclination in all of us) which rivals or more accurately balances out the Yetzer Tov. A midrashic tale is told of a group of rabbis in a village when it was rocked by sexual scandal prayed to have all Yetzer Ha Ra removed. All woke the next morning and there was absolutely NO productivity (no reason to milk the cows--the cows gave no milk, no eggs produced, no reason to get out of bed) until Yetzer Ha Ra was restored. It is man's drive (mostly sexual in nature) that makes the world go round according to the rabbis. One cannot have one without the other. Yetzer Ha Ra left unchecked, the revs say, mankind would be like an ocean of fish, one swallowing the other until nothing was left. Later, the rabbis did add a personification of Satan but it is not widely accepted that Satan is a real person opposed yet created by God.
Now, what fascinates me even more is how we come to the mythos and imagery of devil from a Christian POV. He mirrors Pan, the greek god of LUST. Also the horned hunting god of the Celts, Cernnunos. Horned, horney, cloven hooved, seductive shepherd/hunting gods always out to seduce the nymphs (and anything else). The Christian repugnance for sex, lust and paganism got all wrapped up in one. They launched a successful campaign to demonize sex and paganism by putting the face of their god on evil. Whatever that is.
i had a really weird dream last night.
in my dream, i was in an old house, spying on three men in a bathtub through a cracked door.
they were just bathing, but in my dream i was thinking they were gay.
<<There is something else that I'll mention later.>>
Mention, mention, darling! I'm dying of curiosity. If you're game, I'll share what the imagery of the Judgement card means (that came to my mind when I read your description of the bathtub).
Are you a pisces?
~ Brigid
... are wondering which jwders you're harbouring a secret crush on.
ok guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on.
c'mon, don't be shy!!.
<<Oh my... I hope you know what you're doing.>>
Actually, I failed astral travel 101....but had some sweet dreams last night. hehehe
i know i'm not jwd's most popular participant but even i look at this place as a means of support sometimes.
i just wanted to say that this morning my father died of a heart attack while in field service.. i am on my way to new mexico with my daughter.
as some of you know i am df'd so you know how that goes when attending a jw funeral.
I am so very sorry to hear that! I have seen in the past that you are from Artesia. May I PM you? My JW family is in Artesia. I may have known your father.
My blessings and heart go out to you and your family,
i just wanted to say thanks, i appreciate everyones positive feedback.
i got the official word today, everything is ok.. i felt much better after having read your comments, thanks for getting me through this experience.
A good mammogram is always good news. Congratulations.
Be and stay well,
couldn't help but notice that kitty had been df'd twice, can anyone in here beat that?.
I think I got reproved once for naughty conduct. I do not remember all the details. Don't care. Other than that, I didn't leave mad, really, I just left.
... are wondering which jwders you're harbouring a secret crush on.
ok guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on.
c'mon, don't be shy!!.
"On two chairs beneath the bole of the tree and canopied by a living bough there sat, side by side, Celeborn and Galadriel. They stood up to greet their guests, after the manner of Elves, even those who were accounted mighty kings."
Come, D.S. meet me in this astral grove beyond space and time. Play Lord to my Lady.
hehehehe I love cyberspace. So much fun!
... are wondering which jwders you're harbouring a secret crush on.
ok guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on.
c'mon, don't be shy!!.
brigid (just too much in common)
Oh, Daystar, thank you for my honorable mention! Yours is above & quite mutual.