I got the one about the Israelites stoning to death children if they disrespected their parents.
Aaah, the love.
any interesting threats your parents would use on you.. my mom always said, remember there's an eye watchin' you.
and when i would say something about a brother or sister or the society or something offbeat in general.
she would say the she bears were going to eat me.. well she was close on the last one.
I got the one about the Israelites stoning to death children if they disrespected their parents.
Aaah, the love.
to liberal elder: my 10yr grandson has guillan-barre' syndrome and is in icu on a ventilator and the doctors want to do a plasma exhange on him to help the disease to be treated and for him to get well.
it is similar to dialysis and would not require a transfusion.
it is the only way to treat this horrible disease and make him well(hopefully) and to lessen any possible long term effects as this is his 3rd bout in 7 yrs.
I'm sorry to hear about your son. As a mother, my heart goes out to you. Please do whatever it takes to help your son. Listen to the doctors, not manmade rules, please. Do it for your son.
now that i'm single again i face the same problem that many baby boomers face: how in the world do you meet somebody??.
i don't go to bars.. i don't like smokers.. i am not nutty enough to be attracted to young and dumb.. crazy music isn't my cup o' tea.. i like conversation with at least some minimal content.. online dating service seem outrageously weird to me.. what's a poor lad to do?.
any reccomendations?
I wouldn't entirely dismiss online dating either. A person's soul can really come through when writing. Although, you'll want to get pics before meeting anyone in person. Also, www.meetup.com is a "place" where people of similar interests make plans to congregate in person in different cities--anything from pug lovers to pagans to philosophers.
Good luck!
we had a weekend away a couple of weeks ago.
i took a few classic dvd's along in case the weather turned sour.. so i watched ghost with demi moore, that pottery scene has to be one of my favourite ever..........gives me goosebumps!
but it's not my favourite movie of all time/ i'm embarrassed to admit it, but ok i will, cause i'm with friends!
Too many to list, but here are a few:
Donnie Darko
Lord of the Rings--All three
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Mothman Prophecies
The Ring (I only, II stank)
The Sixth Sense
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
The Matrix (I have taken the red pill)
Excalibur (Corny 80's movie but I love Arthurian Legend and I liked the Merlin character)
Adaptation (writing does not get any better)
Fiddler on the Roof (for a classic--I was a JW when I saw first saw this--really hit home)
Almost anything Indie and artful and quirky (i.e., Me, You and Everyone We Know)
There are many more,
i always wondered in my life is it better to gratify sexual excitation or divert it away from its goals of gratification and use it to develop culture or expand awareness (knowledge) in areas of interest?
or is it too frustrating to do that?
or is there no value in the belief that denied physical pleasure takes the form of a deeper, more sustained and profitable in the long term spiritual pleasure?
I find sexuality and spirituality can be intricately linked for me.
That is not to say that a celibate person cannot experience exquisite spirituality and conversely.
I believe it to be what one expects from sex and a partner. When one is whole in themselves and comes together with another mature, whole person the two can make a god. I know it sounds like babble. But there's no way for me to put this into language.
It's all about perception and expectation.
finally have the time to type more than a sentance.... .
my name is, mike warren... that's my real age in my profile...& yes that's my real pic.
though i was never baptized, i was raised in the silly religion... my parents started their study in early 1974 (at least i got 1birthday &1 christmas, not that i remember...) mom was baptized in less than a year after she started her study... it took my father about 7-8 more years to give up smoking, but he still made all the meetings & ruled with a leather belt.. i also have a younger sister that has faded (she got baptized).
A warm and blessed welcome, Mike. A Deadhead, huh? Now there's some stories there, I'm sure.
Pull up a chair, warm your heart and hands by our fire and welcome to the clan. The Scar Clan.
Bright Blessings,
the guy i've just started seeing has certainly inspired this thread: he believes television and newspapers only corrupt the mind, practices some weird religion having to do with contacting his ancestors but claims it has nothing to do with demon worship and doesn't even own a cellphone.
who can top that?
Sounds like this guy could be a real teacher for you. Is it a nature religion? Anyway, don't discount the weird, I can almost guarantee he'll never bore you. And that, my friend, is a treasure!
Weirdest guy I ever dated.....hmmmm....ok, I have one. Dated a guy from work one time: hot hot HOT physical therapist. Muscles, great hair, great body (did I mention that he had a great body?). Turns out, after I'd scratched the surface, he had OCD. Washed his hands obsessively (I'm all for hygeine but this was super excessive). Nothing on his walls. All these rules about shoes, clothing, etc. Had a difficult time.....being....shall we say.....intimate? Too gross and dirty for him (IMO, it has to be if it's to be done properly!). It was like owning a beautiful Porsche that couldn't drive out of the driveway. So, that lasted about 3 months. Then he started stalking me a bit. Got jealous of my friends, co-workers--everybody. I told him to go take a hike; that he was not even allowed to think about me and that if he did not cease and disist, I would tell our mutual boss. He tried one more time in the parking lot when my best friend was picking me up and she let him have it! They were both yelling at each other, calling each other names.
He apologized later, seems he was in some therapy and "doing inventory, making ammends". He hinted at the fact that he was getting help maybe wanted to get back together. No way.
think about it.... if it wasn't for the fact that most of us are/were dubs...we wouldn't even notice their existence.. i used to say that when i was a dub (to the scorn of all)...when they would talk about the wt & aw being the most widely "read" (they took liberty with the word "distributed") mags on earth bullsh*t!.
except for my visiting jwd... there is almost no evidence of the existence of the dubs in my life...they are a non-issue!.
they are a lot of drama bout nuthin...really...if you'll step back and notice.... agree or disagree?.
Agreed--for me. They certainly shaped my early days and that, in turn became a part of who I am today (and I love that person). My mother and brother are still in but other than that, I could care. I just like being here.
My lady....**Brigid kneels before the newly annointed appointed supreme One**
think about the insane requests that this a$$hole made:.
<<Sounds like a great husband! I was perfectly fine with the contract...>>
See, another woman who appreciates honesty!
I can't help but think that this was some sort of sex-play thing. I find the verbiage distasteful but who in his right mind would think he could get away with that?