Thank you so much to everyone who participated in my learning experiment. Boy, have I learned a lot! I think it went really quite well accounting for distance and lack of really knowing the people on the other end.
Many blessings,
i'm going to be in and out a bit today but i'd like your help with something if you're so inclined.
i have an avid interest in tarot reading (and its subsequent jungian symbolism).
i'm learning a new technique and spread.
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in my learning experiment. Boy, have I learned a lot! I think it went really quite well accounting for distance and lack of really knowing the people on the other end.
Many blessings,
i noticed that many different people have coped in many different ways, i believe this reflects the fact we all have left or been kick out for different reasons.
what have you done since leaving?
have you joined another church, are you athesitc?
The first thing I did was get my daughter and I into therapy.
I let go or am in the process of letting go of all of my fears (soon, I am overcoming my last hurdle and coming out to my family still in then posting my picture here).
No reading subject or potential experience is off-limits to me for at least consideration. I question everything. Very wary of potential cults or cult-like experiences.
I have delved into esoteric studies.
Blessings to you on your journey. I love that you are obtaining an education, discovering the nature of the Universe from a scientific point of view.
i've fallen in love with a jehovah's witness and i know she feels the same way about me but the problem is that im a methodist and cant find it in me to give up my faith and become a jehovah's witness as i would not expect her to give up her faith and it is driving us both crazy.
i've known this lovely lady for the past 8 years and have only now told her how i feel and every second im away from her im thinking of her wanting to be with her.
so im asking people who might know or be able to help
Saddler, congratulations! I'm sure your love is a fine gal, one in a million.
I knew a young man who pined for a Witness girl. 21 years he waited for her. She actually married a witness man and then became dissillusioned and left both the husband and the religion.
Then he snatched her up and carried her off to LOVE LAND!
We've been married now 11 months!!!!
This is so unbelievably romantic!
Mazel Tov!
~Brigid wishing you many more years of happiness
well, i was dating this guy and its been a long time since i have even been with anyone that i thought was worthwhile.
i've been focusing on other things and with everything else going on with trying to gain my independance i just have not wanted to get caught up.
anyways, how dare the guy i was seeing call the whole jw mind-cult issue "stupid" when i tried to explain to him why i am the way i am (awful social skills, the simple excitement from just being around a new scene, etc.
<<Then he went on about how ex-jw's allowed their minds to controlled and now they want someone to blame.>>
People who've never experienced the hardwiring from birth that any cult-like experience gives on is never going to completely understand.
That's why this (this site, everyone here) is so important. It's not about "blaming" others. It's about connecting with others who know just know what you've experienced. There's no way anyone else on the planet is ever going to "get it". I'm glad for them--they've just had a different life experience. We have ours.
Just keep coming back here. It's too difficult to explain to anyone else "out there".
i've fallen in love with a jehovah's witness and i know she feels the same way about me but the problem is that im a methodist and cant find it in me to give up my faith and become a jehovah's witness as i would not expect her to give up her faith and it is driving us both crazy.
i've known this lovely lady for the past 8 years and have only now told her how i feel and every second im away from her im thinking of her wanting to be with her.
so im asking people who might know or be able to help
Anything is possible if true love is involved. ANYTHING. However, you will find this not to be like other mixed faith marriages/relationships. It's very deeply ingrained into the witness psyche that if you are not a Jehovah's Witness, you will perish at Armageddon. This is why they go door to door avidly. This is why she'll probably never feel whole until you are a baptized witness. This will always hover around your relationship as long as she remains a witness. Or until you convert. And the pressure will be great and ongoing, is my guess.
Also, be careful with any children. Educate yourself on how the society views the giving of blood even in life threatening situations. Many children have died due to this policy. Please be careful.
But if it's true love, nothing will keep you apart. Careful, though...true love does not always equal a happy ending.
Many blessings to you,
being that it's such an auspicious day for the great state.. things i love about texas.. 1. shiner bock.
2. san antonio.
3. corpus christi.
Ya know, Arrowstar? I just might! I almost had a 3 hour layover in Dallas when I booked tickets for a March trip to New York. I got as giddy as a little school girl, then it got changed to Philly. Something always thwarts my efforts to return to my homestate. My dad's been trying to get me to move back since 1999. Had my boxes all packed up, a realtor in Texas, a place to stay, then bam! Something happened.
May 6th, huh? Crawfish, huh? How about watermelon? We have to have watermelon. I could use some real peaches. Yankees cannot grow decent peaches--they don't have the sweetness of Georgia or Parker county.
Hmmmm....gonna check out later.....
being that it's such an auspicious day for the great state.. things i love about texas.. 1. shiner bock.
2. san antonio.
3. corpus christi.
Parker County peaches, watermelon and boiled peanuts at First Monday.
Catfish fries
Innertubing down the Brazos River.
y'all are making me miss my home state.....
oh wait, just got a glimpse of the Rockies---sigh, better.
Seriously, I ache for Texas sometimes. Whenever I meet a fellow Texan exile here, we just cling to each other (Coloradans HATE Texans almost as much as they hate Californians--I even have to try to hide my accent (I know, I know...poor me). When I talk to my dad, and my accent starts coming out, my hubby's like--WTF?)
~Brigid, the exiled
i'm going to be in and out a bit today but i'd like your help with something if you're so inclined.
i have an avid interest in tarot reading (and its subsequent jungian symbolism).
i'm learning a new technique and spread.
I have several decks and use whatever one suits me at the time. Today I have been using my Aquarian deck (it's my oldest) but I adore my good ole' Rider Waite. Thoth is a little too advanced for me. I plan to create my own someday based on kaballah, the Hebrew alphabet and astrology (don't ask me how!)
Thanks to all who've participated in my little experiment.
i'm going to be in and out a bit today but i'd like your help with something if you're so inclined.
i have an avid interest in tarot reading (and its subsequent jungian symbolism).
i'm learning a new technique and spread.
Peanut butter~~~yes, yes, very funny--Hahahaha!
Thanks for all responses. I have to sign off in order to coddle my more mundane pursuits in life (making a living, errands, etc.)
I will try to get to everyone.
Thanks again,
Love and Light,
all of you people are the best, ... because you always have the right answers fast....... last week i had that run in with bro & sis pioneer...and they really beat me up, .
this week a brother called me, with a stupid tax question that i know he had the answer to.
he had not seen me since last year at the memorial...and said...."are you fatter since i seen you?".
<<Blessed be!>>
Are you coming over to my side? LOL!
Bright Blessings,