A very warm welcome to you, Browe.
We're waiting with bated breath to hear what you have to share with us.
Come, make yourself comfortable....share.
A very warm welcome to you, Browe.
We're waiting with bated breath to hear what you have to share with us.
Come, make yourself comfortable....share.
against my better judgment i have decided to write lack of love life.
i am so confused with someone right now.
here is my story and sorry if it is long.
Am I free to comment here? I will not divulge anything that you do not wish me to, but I have things I'd like to say. You may email me or pm me if you'd prefer a less open forum.
Love and Light,
i admit i have been a lurker for a few months and now i can finally talk to u guys!
i want to thank you guys for your honesty on this site and your humor...my husband and i formally dissassociated ourselves from the darling watchtower a few months ago and your site helped us keep our chins up!
we particularly enjoy blondies weekly commentaries on the watchtower articles!
Welcome, take your coat off, sit down and tell us more (when you're ready, of course).
occasionally, someone here will begin a thread of quotes that make us all nod and smile and feel all fuzzy-wuzzy inside.. this is not that thread.
(bold for legibility only).
Wow, this guy could've been a motivational speaker-----for suicidal chronic depressives!
Feeling cynical, much?
ok, so i was raised luthren, my dad was cathlioc and then i went dub for 5 years and since have been completely turned off religion.
the dub experience combined with world events and my personal ones have pretty much pushed all thoughts of a "almighty" out of my mind.
of course there are times that i think of religion or get into a "2am religion talk" and i wonder wtf is really going on.
<<Be still.>>
You nailed it, JThomas.
some here may recall my relating of loosing my cousin due to shunning.
he and i were 'best friends' for 35 years or so, and in the past year he has not spoken or contacted me, though i have made several attempts at this.
this week, a common friend of ours, a witness brother in my former hall died.
This is really cool. I hope all goes well and you will have much to share with the group upon your return.
i used to hate it when i'd listen to brother blow give his long winded comment about how we're all supposed to do this or that----and he was barely considered a witness......we had a few elders, and especially the po who would go overtime just because they could.
the po's bookstudy always went overtime.
45 minutes into the meeting he was still on paragraph 3. and he would read every scripture including the ones quoted!!!
Brothers preaching through long winded prayers.
love's no 'hustle' to star
'hustle & flow' star terrence howard has asked dayanara torres, whose ex is marc anthony, to marry him.
<<I met Terence a few summers ago when he was in Toronto filming.>>
More input please!!! What was he like? What did he wear? Did he smell good...bet he smelled purty!!
He's a witnesssss???!?!?!?!?! Albeit inactive? Who knew? Witnesses do produce some beautiful people....
~Brigid the curious
i'm going to be in and out a bit today but i'd like your help with something if you're so inclined.
i have an avid interest in tarot reading (and its subsequent jungian symbolism).
i'm learning a new technique and spread.
Never too late. PM me with your email addy. I have a couple ahead of you (and pesky mundane work stuff) so it may take a while. But it would be my absolute pleasure.
I am not familiar with that deck or the book. Sorry. But as always, the querant (you) can interpret the cards for themselves far better than the reader (me). Take the cards I sent you and look them up. I'm sure you will gain further, deeper insight than I could provide.
Love and Light,
yes, it is so, that i have a brain tumor and i will be going to the hospital in about two hours.
i will ask my son richard to keep all of you posted.
i have all of you in my heart.
May you be well and among us again very soon.