I used to HATE it when I'd listen to Brother Blow give his long winded comment about how we're all supposed to do this or that----and he was barely considered a Witness......We had a few elders, and especially the PO who would go overtime just because they could. The PO's bookstudy ALWAYS went overtime. 45 minutes into the meeting he was still on paragraph 3. And he would read EVERY scripture including the ones quoted!!! And he'd ask the worst readers to read the longest scriptures..........
What Things Irritated You While A Witness?
by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends
In that case you should've just gotten up at what should have been the end of the meeting and walked out,if asked why you could've said you had other things to do.
The only thing that really irritated me was the lack of love.
I did get up, glared at the clock, shook my head and walked out the door. Did it tons of times.
Hahahaha, that must've been hilarious.
Do you know what though Minimus, I always thought you were still a witness, I don't know why, but your reputation seemed to have suggested that.
A few things that irritated me.
The other congregation sharing the KH called most of the shots because they were larger, no 50/50 here, the cong i was in took it up the you know what everytime a spring/fall cleaning came around.My cong was always considered less spiritual, i know i experienced this first hand many time.
What also bugged me was having to put up with brothers that were real jerks(to keep it clean).In real life,someone would punch these these guys teeth in.
Oh let me tell you having to listen to an hour talk on family and marriage coming
from an elder that had his wife leave him and both his adult children not talk to him either.
How about having the 17 year old kid give a talk to the congregation about sex and marrige and raising children
At times when i was in,a request would go out for donations for various issues to be repaired around the KH but thousands of dollars out of Cong. accounts. were spent on repairing other peoples houses that did do anything for themselves.I`m not talking about elderly people here, Adult able body individuals that refused to help themselves.And then hardly showed up at meetings.
And now as i pass by the KH the parking lot is so bad that it has huge cracks with weeds and grass growing through them, It looks like a complete dive.
troubled mind
I hated comments that were rude about other peoples religion ....I would think what if someone is visiting for first time and belongs to that faith. Lack of social graces many jw's display ( maybe they just feel to comfortable around each other , but my goodness ones at the hall I attended could be so juvenille .) Being two faced , the false concern , the forced smiles . The ones that had position as pioneers that drank to the excess on weekends, and then commented on others lack of good behavior. Condescending attitudes . The sister that coughed into microphone before every comment , the one that always related her ill health to some comment in the study. WOW this is really theraputic ...........................
As an elder, having to deal with fellow elders "beating up" the sheep, truly bothered me. There were a few elders that did not try to nail everyone but most elders were Pharisees.Why would anyone go after someone when their OWN problems were monumental in comparison??
What still irritates me is that we call ourselves "christians" but christ is barely even discussed much less his example followed.
What also irks me is the inconsistency ,they can read that scripture where it says that "everlasting life is a free gift" and yet in the next sentence talk about how we have to do more and aux pioneer this spring so that we can show that we value this gift that we cant earn, yet we have to show by works that we value it. Or the scripture saying that our work is of value to us alone, not to be comparing to one another stirring up envies. If they really followed this then why report time? Why pioneer if not to show, by comparison, that you are doing more.
irritated me that you had to have a penis to teach , pray or even hand out a magazine from the counter or hold a microphone. -
I can concur with all of these comments, literally. The one I hated the most was listened to a talk about how a husband was supposed to treat his wife, and provide for his family. He did aboslutely nothing that was taught in the hall. Would irritate the hell out of me to listend with him sitting next to me.