Genesis 3: 6,7 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband...and he did eat...and the eyes of both of them were opened
JoinedPosts by Brigid
Adam & Eve question...
by tan inmy young daughter asked this question regarding adam & eve:.
if they were perfect, why did they need to eat from the tree of good and bad anyway?.
we eat to nourish our bodies, we eat to replenish, we eat for energy....they were perfect and would not need those things.. from the mouth of babes.... what's your thoughts....
do i go with my gut instinct???(long, im sorry, but i need help)
by theinfamousone inso, simply put, i am in love... and love makes a man do some really stupid things.... love makes a pretty damn intelligent man feel pretty damn stupid quite often as well... so here's my story... i have been dating this girl for almost a year now... she is beautiful, sweet, and really just everything i imagined in a life mate... she lives with me... she doesnt work, while i do full time, and also go to school... i make very good money, so that does not bother me... but heres where it all begins... a few months ago, she went to cuba with her sisters, and imoved her into my place while she was gone, her idea, not mine.. now we keep our condoms in a certain place.... anyways, her box of condoms was gone, with her... when she comes back, our little box of condoms is empty.... instead of asking her about it, i explained it to myself as she must have given them to her sister.... .
while i am gone at work, i usually give her a call on my breaks... i notice that she never answers the phone between 6-8 pm.. home or cell... her explanation is that she is always in the shower... the problem with that is that she is always coming out of the shower when i get home.... i get home at around nine... so either she is taking a 3 hour shower or she is taking two showers a night..... she disappears off the face of the earth everytime she goes home to visit her family... like shes not home, shes not answering her phone and only ever calls me when she is in her car....her explanation is that she is at a cousins house.. conveniently, one that i do not know..... last night she went to a wedding... it was over at 11, i know this because she had told me, nd a friend of mine tht was there said that it ended then,,, it was a dry wedding, no dancing... very religious people... i was supposed to meet her at 130 today, i got to the train station that she was coming to, 15 minutes early and waited over an hour there... finally as i decied to walk back home, she gives me a call... i will be home at 5, meet me at the train.... of course, i have been calling her since last night at 11 to tell her i would meet her at 130 as she had planned... i made brunch for her, which is now in the garbage... i was scared shitless she had been hit by a car or dead since her phone has been off since last night.... i asked her why she is so late, i was helping move things until 3am last night... bull shit.. all the gifts were given prior to the weding and the bride and groom had already moved into their new place.... i know because she has told me in the past.....her phone was dead according to her... but all of the sudden, she is able to use it.... no charger, but she can use it..... i did confront her once, and she exploded on me!!!!
like screamed and screamed and said she was insulted i even asked... textbook defensive behaviour right????.
Yes, you go with your gut. I know it will be difficult. Please don't let her explosions deter you. That is the sign of a very unstable ego. Even if it were all completely innocent (doubtful from the story you told), someone who truly loves you will respect that you are afraid, and vulnerable and needing answers. Even if they're silly questions (which they are not), it's more about her reaction to your fear and pain that concerns me, hon.
You must feel emotionally safe with someone you love. It doesn't sound like you do. You should be able to express anything about how you are feeling and not be "blown up at" or made to feel she will abandon you.
I know you are "in love". I know. But love yourSelf first and foremost. You deserve better treatment.
Love and Light,
Mental Illness - diagnosed for me
by Crumpet ini've long known, and most of you probably have as well, that there was something not all there with me.
mostly i put it down to me being bad.
questions i've never been asked before.
(((Crumpet))) darling! Thank you for reaching out and sharing this with us.
We are here.
Be Well,
My Website(s) - thoughts?
by KW13 ini originally owned just one website with a few friends called winxperts but recently we've started to branch out in the hope of getting more hits, more content and more people around.. we decided to buy and make that a head network site which will eventually give a description on all our sites, will provide updates on site status, latest staff positions (volunteer basis of course) and latest content.. your thoughts?.
nothing is really finished, its all works in progress.
we own more domains we intend to give links to from that page too when they are developed.. .
That looks awesome! I'm not going to ask any stupid questions because I don't want to show my ignorance but you will have a pm soon.
I've Fallen In Love
by choosing life inwith michigan.. i have been to michigan many times and i just love the lake and the landscape.
the sunsets over lake michigan are the most beautiful i have ever seen.
i have been to most places up the west coast along the lake.
I've heard it's absolutely breathtakingly beautiful in MI. And it's a buyer's market right now! I was on the phone with an agent there this morning and I said you guys are getting killed....he said killed isn't the's an all out blood bath!
Anyway, now's the time to sell high (depending on where you are) and buy low. Real estate is a hold'em game, so if you can hold it, it will be back up (even poor old MI).
Gods, shop talk! Somebody shoot me!!!
My Daystar stays bald!! (as long as he's content with it) LOL!!
I can't even imagine how sexy her accent must be.
Wingcommander: Daystar and I can attest to the fact that it is very sexy. We just wanted to record her and loop the tape over and over again for our mutual enjoyment.
Crumpet must be truly experienced to appreciate fully. She is a goddess!
This happens to me all the time, and I'm not even a Republican
by SixofNine instate rep. allen explains sex case: fear made me play along.
craig bailey/florida today, .
july 11, 2007 .
LOL!!! So, if it had been a skinny black guy or an out of shape white guy, he would have "fought him off"?
Politicians are hilarious...esp. those representing the "family values" party.
I don't like thin willowy type men,
LOL!! I do love, love, LOVE me a thin (willowy is a judgement call) man. I call it the Elfen (Elven) type.
I have never had much of a "type", though I always had a vague vision of my One...always consistently bald. Always tall.
As far as mating material before my One's arrival, it ran the gammet. I usually went for personality. Sense of humor was always a must. I dated unintelligent men when I was young but intelligence became a must (trumping even a sense of humor).
I do have a thing for good, tasty necks (no vampire tendencies just like men's necks). I know...a strange, strange girl.
I think we have them on the run!
by Wasanelder Once ina young friend who attends in name only and is not baptized, informed me of the announcement about 30 minute talks.
the counsel was read from the platform that if there is bad news about this "system" to avoid discussing it.
the phrase "gloom and doom" was actually used in the talk.
I suppose the most delectable part is it's nothing made up or even blown out of proportion just republishing and highlighting what they've already published and schlepped around door to door for years. I especially love the pictures of fireballs coming from the sky and children falling into cavernous holes in the ground as retribution for not listening to Jehovah's Witnesses as represented by the corporation known as the Watchtower bible and tract society.
Delightful really.
I'm loving the age of Aquarius.
All He does is make information widely available. He is the Father of Revolutions.
I hate Walmart!
by Elsewhere ini rarely ever set foot in the place and will go out of my way to avoid shopping there.
tonight i made the mistake of giving walmart the benefit of the doubt and walked in the door.. they didn't have the main item i was looking for, but they did have one other small item.
i headed to the front to check out only to find they had only a few check-outs open and all of the lines were far too long.
I used to hate Wal-Mart. No amount of money I had to spend driving or just over-paying at another warehouse store or even boutique shop would deter me from avoiding Wal-Mart. It was not so much the political angle, as I see the darwinian effects of free-markets at play (when people are sick enough of it, they will adapt and evolve)--it was the poor lighting, the sheer psychic misery that oozed from its very core and yes, I will admit it - the clientele. But....but, I have found the mecca of Wal-Marts; a nicely staffed store with hardwoods, good lighting (incl natural light from skylights), nicely stocked shelves, somewhat cheerful employees, not to mention clean in Plano TX (a soccor mom haven). And I shop there again. it's the next step in wal-mart's evolution.
Back to the Darwinian angle - yea, if you hate Wal-Mart, don't shop there. At one time in my life, I came into a decent amount of stock in Wal-Mart. I decided to try Sam's Club instead of my beloved Costco. I witnessed a manager treating an cashier very badly and blaming her for something that was his responsibility with my transaction. We wrote a letter (at my insistence) naming names, sold our stock and converted it to Home Depot stock. They do the same predatory pricing with their suppliers as Wal-Mart, btw.
Capitalism and globalization are heartless beasts but with us adn shaping us right now nonetheless.