Hey jwfacts,
Do you reckon they would count you as part of the remaining in their stats? Might make the stats look better if they did, although didnt the numbers partaking actually go up one year?
this year was going to be the first time in my life that i did not attend the memorial.
but i just thought of something that i would love to try out for a stir.
what do you think would happen if i skulled the entire glass of wine?
Hey jwfacts,
Do you reckon they would count you as part of the remaining in their stats? Might make the stats look better if they did, although didnt the numbers partaking actually go up one year?
To have an attitude like the one you have, does it really matter what the next book is going to be? Surely once you know you'll just insult more people who genuinely think theyre doing the right thing.
how many of you lead double lives while growing up (especially those who grew up jw)?
in the last few days, it seems that bothers me about my adolescence.
i had to be one person for my mother, while still trying to be myself.
Thanks fairchild, nice to meet you... What part of the world are you lurking in?
how many of you lead double lives while growing up (especially those who grew up jw)?
in the last few days, it seems that bothers me about my adolescence.
i had to be one person for my mother, while still trying to be myself.
Miss Peaches, you know no one will believe you... Im the PO's child and my family was clapped at a district convention. My halo is firmly stuck to my scone.
how many of you lead double lives while growing up (especially those who grew up jw)?
in the last few days, it seems that bothers me about my adolescence.
i had to be one person for my mother, while still trying to be myself.
Miss peaches,
Is fairchild the one you were telling me about???
how many of you lead double lives while growing up (especially those who grew up jw)?
in the last few days, it seems that bothers me about my adolescence.
i had to be one person for my mother, while still trying to be myself.
Thanks fairchild but its too late!
Ive never told anyone this before but Miss Peaches are her bad influence is the real reason i left the JWs.
have you popped a can of guinness and heard that fwoosh sound?
you have surely waggled the can and heard that little thing knocking about inside?
that little thing is one of the 20th century's greatest contributions to mankind -- the beer widget.
That, my mate Dave, is the coolest bit of trivia in the world!
Im currently locked in a house full of obese people trying to lose weight and because of them, Im not allowed to have any alcohol in the house. I feel like Homer would if he went without a beer for a week! 6 days to go til i get days off then party time for me!!!
how many of you lead double lives while growing up (especially those who grew up jw)?
in the last few days, it seems that bothers me about my adolescence.
i had to be one person for my mother, while still trying to be myself.
Miss Peaches, you have no idea how many times i avoided eye contact with you from the stage so i wouldnt convulse into fits of laughter... Or just convulse from the night before and the things we did!!!
how many of you lead double lives while growing up (especially those who grew up jw)?
in the last few days, it seems that bothers me about my adolescence.
i had to be one person for my mother, while still trying to be myself.
Im hearing you on this one!
I was the double life king, on one hand... sex, drugs and rock n roll, on the other being a good witno. It really did my head in for a long time! I was giving talks, saying prayers for the congregation, reading the watchtower and at the bookstudy. I felt like i was the biggest hypocrit on earth.
I guess as I got older and thought more about things and what i was doing, I stopped doing things for the organisation so i wouldnt at least feel so hypocritical. Then the natural fading progression started.
Now I look back and think that even though i was being hypocritical, doing what i was, was a coping mechanism until i worked myself out and knew i could cope without the witnesses.
i am allergic to beer...after about 15 i start to through up!
Im alergic to horse hair and heres a bit of useless info for you...
If someone who is allergic to horses get bitten by a snake and they require antiveneen it is likely that they will have an allergic response the the drug. Thats because antiveneen is often made from horse serum. Horses are injected with the venom of the snake which doesnt affect them, they then make antibodies to fight the venom and from that the antiveneen is made.
Im not really a nerd, seriously im not, now leave me alone while i go check out the latest star trek website!!!