i love that story/myth, and all greek mythology.
i don't know why, but my wit dad used to read them to me when i was a child.
this thread is for discussing the greek legend of orpheus and euredice.. anyone here ever read this story?
did you enjoy reading it?
was it facinating?
after my dog chewed the internet cable and left me off line for 24 hours, i got inspired to post this topic.
have your pets caused damage in your house or even beyond?
my dog also chewed and ruined a couple of shoes and a ten pound note (around $18) that fell to the floor without me realising this.
this is not necessarily about damage, but about my lil' puppy who is very well-trained and who got criticized by the neighbour that lives downstairs.
i just moved in last week, and my lil pup (who will be 1 year in april) has been having a hard time adjusting to life without his dad (my ex). he never used to sleep on the bed and now, he sleeps in a tight lil' ball against my belly. and, he has started this cry/whimper trait this week, when i'm not in sight...
anyway, so this morning, i was doing a load of laundry (it's a shared laundry with the person who lives below) and my neighbour walks in to get something. i apologize for the boxes i've placed outside to keep my dog from running into his yard. he agreed that was okay. then, i asked if my dog makes too much noise? which i know he doesn't when i'm home with him cause he is SOOOOO good-natured. but then again, he is a puppy so sometimes he just bounces around playing his prey/predator game. well, my neighbour proceeds to go on this rant of all this really insignificant things... in the end, my reply was, he is really well-trained but the move has been a little hard on him, so just give him a bit of time...
in the end, i was really annoyed...
it's late.
it's been a rough few weeks for me.
moving away from my old jw life and world was the only way i could deal with this journey.
i have found a lot of people no longer believe in god or jesus since leaving the organization.. im very shocked at this.
if you dont believe, can you tell me what brought to that conclusion?.
i was told to look at the thread that one of the members in this forum has created, they are very interesting, but i wanted to get a some feed back from different individuals.. thanks!
i feel pubescent in this world of beliefs and non-beliefs.
i profess i am agnostic. there is no proof either way.
i generally always believed in evolution while a wit. i just thought jehovah had put it all into motion. now that i can't bring myself to believe in jehovah, i can't bring myself to believe in any god.
sometimes though, i stare in awe at the night sky and i wish so bad there were something more.
okay, so first guy i fell in love with had read papillon and one hundred year of solitude.
i was sold.
the second guy i fell in love with... knew who kafka was.
what kind of bad stuff did you do in school?
here's a small list of what i did:.
- white out things in textbooks and put something dirty in its place.
i stole money. (i.e.buying lunch and when the cash register would open, say "what's that over there?" and then i'd have money to purchase my epicurean delightful high school cafeteria food).
i was a also pathological liar. (i.e. to the male teacher "i have my period and my cramps are really really bad, can i go lie down in the nurse's office?", and i got hang outside and smoke instead)
but then again, i was an honour student, so hey.
so what do you like ladies and gentalmen, .
on men that is.
facail hair on women doesn't really do it for me.
i was a little distracted by the "wife-beater" as well...
goatee... okay.
beard... good times, but depends on how high it goes up the cheek (not a fan if it's too high).
clean-shaven... mostly a good time.
five o'clock shadow... always a good time.
stache... not much of a fan.
okay, so first guy i fell in love with had read papillon and one hundred year of solitude.
i was sold.
the second guy i fell in love with... knew who kafka was.
is it not totally narcissistic of me to have 3 posts so far?
okay, so because i'm just a tad of the short attention span class,
i am currently reading as follows:
Who wrote the Bible, richard friedman
Narnia (perhaps as i subsitute for the bible...)
Crisis of Conscience
A Million Little Pieces
A Moveable Feast (again).
okay, so first guy i fell in love with had read papillon and one hundred year of solitude.
i was sold.
the second guy i fell in love with... knew who kafka was.
okay, so first guy i fell in love with had read papillon and one hundred year of solitude.
i was sold.
the second guy i fell in love with... knew who kafka was.
might as well try this!
okay, so first guy i fell in love with had read Papillon and One Hundred Year of Solitude.
i was sold.
the second guy i fell in love with... knew who kafka was. (i was otherwise surrounded by the illiterate).
i married him.
now that i'm single again...
what are you reading?