Maybe this is the reason the current administration is ignoring the growing threat of North Korea. Under Kim Jong Il's regime, you eat if you serve. If you remain in the private sector, you starve.
And if he steps up and acts, he is just a power grabbing warmonger. No matter what he does, the left will complain.
As for the spending, just because a slanted article doesn't say it, doesn't mean it isn't being done. I don't see long lines of soup kitchens. Everytime I go grocery shopping, food stamps are brought out by someone, so they're getting them from somewhere. I can't get them, though, I work for a living.
But spending has risen on domestic programs such as transportation and agriculture, as well. Total federal spending -- including non-discretionary entitlement programs such as Social Security Medicare and Medicaid -- reached $2.16 trillion in 2003, a 7.3 percent boost, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Seems to me, he hasn't simply forgotten about social programs either. Maybe if you read an entire article you post, you would see that. Yes, spending needs to come down, no argument there. But, as soon as any spending is cut, who jumps up and cries about them cutting someone off?
Remember the latest Bush tax cuts everyone cried about? I didn't get one because I have no children at home. Families with children received one. Seems to me, they were the ones who needed it most and received it. Seems also, the economy is doing a lot better since then too, so, Democrats needed something else to assail the man over.
No matter what, he gets condemned constantly. So, who is really the power hungry?