i didn't get picked cause there is no one into daddy bears here.but I know where the daddy bear admirers lurk, hee hee hee.
LOL at joelbear
i will tell you why i think that you didn't get picked later.
i didn't get picked cause there is no one into daddy bears here.but I know where the daddy bear admirers lurk, hee hee hee.
LOL at joelbear
ok, i promised!
so's not to take the other thread off topic, let's start on this here.. so: what's the dubs' most ridiculous teaching?.
i'll start.the ships of kittim.. .
the most recockulous deal the dubs have going is thier jacked up, whacked out psuedo mass called the Memorial of all damn things. Where they pass around Emblems which of course no one eats except for some seriously deranged folks that no one in the congregation is too sure of anyway
what was so funny about that one was that I always thought that one was strange, even when I was in the collective. Since the apostles were partaking them and were not anointed to go to heaven(I guess) would'nt that be a display of a "dis" for not accepting jesus' ransom sacrifice?
And when I looked on here for further research...I felt sick to my stomach as to what I found out.
Which was the truth.And how stupid that concept was.
with yourself not to even look at the "who is the hottest, coolest, bestest lookinest poster" threads.
Hey...at least IP_SEC got mentioned.
I totally forgot about Legolas who first welcomed me here. Please forgive me Legolas
Sometimes you do need a break, which is cool to have sometimes. I know I did; with all the b.s that was swimming around in my life right now, if I did'nt laugh sooner or later I was gonna jump off the cliff by my condo.
Thank god I'm scared of heights.
do not allow place for the devil .
allow no place for the devil .
"slandering" the wts?
Thanks. I stayed awake for this one.
And about that last comment about the magazine being in red...I noticed that, and even THAT got me LOL!
.....you gotta wonder about that.
ok, i promised!
so's not to take the other thread off topic, let's start on this here.. so: what's the dubs' most ridiculous teaching?.
i'll start.the ships of kittim.. .
Some that comes to mind are:
Ex communication between family members.
seventy weeks of years.
THE BLOOD ISSUE!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ressurection of loved ones that will be like the angels in heaven, with no human desire while on the earth.
The concept of a "spiritual paradise"
You can celebrate a anniversary, but NOT a birthday.
To give obedience without question to the "faithful slave"
Need I go further?
wrong thread...
i saw this in the news paper today.
busted a gut laughing.. reuters.. washington (reuters) - the white house was bombarded with questions on monday about why it failed to go public with news that vice president dick cheney shot a fellow quail hunter until the day after the accident.. the victim, harry whittington, 78, took pellets in his cheek, neck and chest when cheney fired his shotgun while aiming for a bird during a hunt in southern texas on saturday, and was in stable condition at a corpus christi hospital.. whittington was moved out of intensive care on monday afternoon but peter banko, administrator of christus spohn hospital, said he did not know when he would be discharged.. "his condition continues to be stable ... it's not critical, it's not serious.
he's in stable condition, doing extremely well," banko said.. the accident happened about 5:30 p.m. on a private ranch about 200 miles south of san antonio, where the vice president has hunted previously.
Well... and he still has hell to look forward to.
ok, time for an update on the situation over here, post-valentine's day.. here on my own, valentine's day wasn't too horrible, it definitely could've been worse.
i got cards in the mail from both of my parents (and there was even some money in the card from my dad!!
on the relationship front, it wasn't as disastrous with my jw boyfriend as i thought it would be.
But remember this line...
I'm sure it'll be very fun. :-)"
It's coming...lol.
ok, time for an update on the situation over here, post-valentine's day.. here on my own, valentine's day wasn't too horrible, it definitely could've been worse.
i got cards in the mail from both of my parents (and there was even some money in the card from my dad!!
on the relationship front, it wasn't as disastrous with my jw boyfriend as i thought it would be.
I've never really been interested in valentines day, but some day we'll have one together. Just have to wait until you're finally out of school. I'm sure it'll be very fun. :-)"
omg...you're slowly breaking him down..YOU GO GIRL!
would you approve of your significant other going (and enjoying) a strip club?.
as an aside, do you know of any active dubs who go to strip clubs?.
i know of and has seen several enjoying the festivities.
Any more 'good looking men' gonna chime in and say they get whatever they want, when they want?
I do admit I am sort of a brat when it comes to getting what I want. I do best in the power of persuasion though. Plus...I'm a patient man.