A tremendous effort goes into this highly critical analysis. The writer has diligently copied all of the paragraphs and basically tried to tear the Watchtower article apart (perhaps she(? - presumably - an alias is used) has some clever character recognition software to reduce the time spent on this activity). There is little , if any , acceptance of any point whatsoever in the article - it is all condemned. This appears to be a weekly effort.Occasionally the writer makes a legitimate point but when she starts from such a negative basis , it is difficult to consistently sustain this.
Sorry to be ignorant - can I ask - what is the point? Do all ex-JWs spend hours pouring over the latest WT study article trying to pull it apart? Any what motives are involved here - "encouraging" existing ex-JWs that they have made the right decision to leave or giving much needed "food at the proper time" ammunition to still-in JWs who are too lazy or too "brainwashed" to study and analyse the articles themselves? Just asking - don't burn me out.